Hello Everyone! First Real Grow! CFL's


Active Member
Check out my cfl grow. I have been feeding my plants the Miracle-Grow bloom booster. It is a 10-52-10. I use teaspoon to a 2liter of water. My plants started the 12-12 lighting on Dec 28th. They are really doing great on the miracle-grow bloom booster. https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/40813-here-my-cfl-grow.html
Nice grow man, Thanks for stoppin by my Thread. I think I might get my hands on that 10/52/10 if I can find it. Only thing I found around my area was 15/30/15, I hope thats good enough for now.


Active Member
Here are some Pics of my Light Reflecting box I built out of top ramen boxes. The tape isnt holding anymore so I have to rebuild it with zipties so it holds better. But its a great box that I built for free. I have it wrapped in foil but im going to rewrap it in mylar today after I get out of work. There is a hole cut out of the Top about 6" wide to vent up the hot air to my exhaust fan. I have my mini box fan angled to blow on the lights/inside of reflector to move the air around, It creates good air flow for the plant also. The light's in my box are 6 45w Warm White 2700k (reading light), 2000 lumens each. I have a total of 12,000 Lumens for this plant.

Damn Im so blazed off some purple I snagged last night. I think I will order a strain for my next grow. Anyone know a good website that delivers Lowrider#2 ? I couldnt find it on nirvana.

So anyway here are the pics.. Bare with me, they are from my camera phone.
I need to wrap the rest of my box with mylar but I have been very busy. I will asap.



Active Member
Update. 2/2/08

So far my babies are growing great. I notice new formations every morning around the top cola's. My two colas are starting to fill out in the middle now, Im very fuckin excited.:mrgreen: I am about 3 weeks into flowering. As stated eailer my timer switched somehow to 15/9 for a week, so that stunned my plants in the 2nd week of flower.

I feed 15/30/15 MG Bloom booster every 4 days, give or take a day. I am going to add 2 2700k and 2 6500k CFL"s (heard its good to have atleast a few 6500's for flowering). I am also going to switch around my fans. 3 4inch comp fans for exhaust, 10inch box fan for air movement in the cabnit. I will be moving the 6inch fan from exhaust position to the top of my Light reflector to move air up to the exhaust comp fans.

I will attach pics tomorrow. after im done with my remodel.

Also, I napkin-baggie 2 kush bagseed on 1/31 placed ontop of my computer tower. 2/1 Sprouted - planted in dixie cups, they are on 12/12 to determin sex then I will revert back to veg and placed in my Mini Fridge Veg room.

Thanks for coming by...:joint: