hello everyone


I was talking with some friends and I realized that there were a lot of opinions on what strain is the most popular.

One guys was going off about OG KUSH, another says WHITE WIDDOW, and another says PINEAPPLE EXPRESS.

I suppose it is all a matter of choice, but chime in with your opinion.

What do you So Calites like?


Active Member
i think it depends on where you are from. it seems in so cal people love the " OG " strains or its pushed on you more then in nor-cal. where as in nor-cal i find people like the Haze lines with the purples a close second. ( mind you this is just my opinion after talking to people who grow, smoke or work in the industry) my fav is something that is hard to find " reclining Buddah " great after work med when you know you have nothing else to do with your day.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
One guys was going off about OG KUSH, another says WHITE WIDDOW, and another says PINEAPPLE EXPRESS.
white widow is over rated and i never heard of pineapple express till the movie came out so i just imagined it was a "cosmetic" thing like the widow... honestly the best stuff i had (besides Acapulco gold) had no name....


Active Member
anything that enables to walk and still be able to function during the day. I like fruity flavors and still being able to think somewhat clearly though.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
Here in So Cal the OG's are always in demand. The problem is, there seems to be more and more second rate weed being passed off as "OG". Forget any "OG" clone purchased at a dispensary. It's most likely second rate. No commercial grower in his right mind will sell premium OG cuts for 5 or 10 bucks each. The real deal cuts are circulated between friends and business associates. As a rule, no live plants leave any commercial grow op. I've paid several thousand bucks for a couple cuts before, and I STILL felt like the seller was doing me a favor by even selling them to me. I've since turned down an offer of double what I paid for the same cut. My friend and "sister grow op" has spent the last 20 years obtaining the best possible cuts he could find for production. He never deals with seeds and gets his clones from friends of friends and sometimes pays insane amounts of cash for just a couple rooted clones. In the end, it's worth every dime. He has standing orders from several dispensaries for all the weed he can grow...and he can grow ALOT.

Bottom line is, if you can get your hands on a cut of the real deal...DO IT. If not, order about 1000 seeds of the strain you want and start highgrading.


collective gardener

Well-Known Member
OG Kush, when grown right that shit will have you on your ass.

You're godamn right. It's a shame to see a great strain grown poorly, trimmed poorly, or cured poorly. There should be a test before you're allowed to grow the truly special strains. How many strains have gotten a bad rap from poor production techniques? It's pretty tough to make a bad strain seem good, but's it's all to easy to make a great strain seem bad.

Just last week another grower gave me a Chemdog cross to sample. I took one hit and it tasted pretty bad. The high wasn't all that great either. The sample wasn't dry enough. We put it in the drying shack just overnight. The next day it was fantastic.