Hello! First attempt at hydro.

I was kinda expecting to see some degree of fade happening by now, but they're still pretty dark green. Would you recommend more or less eliminating N from the mix and finishing out the last 2-3 res changes with just Bloom nutes - DG Mag-Pro and Bloom? Been using MegaCrop as my main base and supplementing with DG stuff for PK, roughly 60:40 mix. People seem keen on getting rid of as much green as possible before chopping so that's my though processing.
I was kinda expecting to see some degree of fade happening by now, but they're still pretty dark green. Would you recommend more or less eliminating N from the mix and finishing out the last 2-3 res changes with just Bloom nutes - DG Mag-Pro and Bloom?
i'm still on the fence about N and the later stages of bloom. N is by far the most necessary of the big 5 (n,p,k,ca,mg) so i keep my feed the same until chop. at most i would do would be cut it in half.

what are day/night temps like? cooler lights off temps seems to bring out colors IMO
My thermometer/hygrometer is just one of the pieces of equipment that finally decided to fail during this grow, so I can only guesstimate based on conditions just before it died. Daytime temps were in upper 70s, topping out around 80. Overnight, upper 60s to 70. The few times I've had plants that showed any decent color, it was always in summer when it's hot as fuck in here. No fun growing in AZ in a house with no AC. I got curious this past week and decided to snip a little bud off the bottom of each plant just to see what I had so far. Both of them had seeds so either I done goofed badly or I'm just working with shitty low-end genetics that aren't likely to ever look very pretty.
My thermometer/hygrometer is just one of the pieces of equipment that finally decided to fail during this grow, so I can only guesstimate based on conditions just before it died. Daytime temps were in upper 70s, topping out around 80. Overnight, upper 60s to 70. The few times I've had plants that showed any decent color, it was always in summer when it's hot as fuck in here. No fun growing in AZ in a house with no AC. I got curious this past week and decided to snip a little bud off the bottom of each plant just to see what I had so far. Both of them had seeds so either I done goofed badly or I'm just working with shitty low-end genetics that aren't likely to ever look very pretty.
i'm by far an expert but i associate the word "fade" with "starve". buds put on the most weight in the last 2 weeks or so.

i wouldn't worry much about the seeds. free weed is good weed in my book. you'll get better with every grow