Hello, First grow and first real issue.


New Member
Hey everybody, i am currently in the second week of my first grow. I started with five feminized master kush seeds via nirvana. I have a 4 x 4 tent with 1000w hps with a dimable ballast. being my first grow i didn't to buy different lights and i learned that i could use the HPS all the way through. I germinated using paper towel method and planted into 1 gallon pots. The day before i planted i had watered the pots with Ocean Forest soil, got some run off.

Now 2 weeks has passed, all of them came out, 2 plants looking really good to me 1 seems to be lagging like half a day i would say, the fourth is like a day and a half behind the first 2. and the last one, well it seems that its got a N toxicity from what i can gather from the resources online. So here i am, I am not sure what to do. I have not added any nutrients. I have read about flushing the plant to rid of the excess nutrients. But i wonder if it may recover. I have been using my light at half power, and i read that in veg the plants use more N. So im thinking if i were to turning up the power to 75 or 100% will the plant use up that excess N. If that is even the problem.

Even tho going into this all i read about is over watering isues for new growers, after the initial time i watered the soil before planting i have watered the plants once and that was last week. I stuck my fingers in pots and it seemed to be dry to me at the tips of my fingers. I added a about 1.5 liters of water to all 5 plants evenly as i could. I didnt get any run off from that watering and heh that day has been looming in the back of my mind. Maybe i over water. I dunno. Today the top soil is dry, the middle (according to the meter thing i got) is moist and it get a little more wet all the away at the bottom of the pot. I have this green meter thing i got online for like 6 bucks that tells me moisture,ph, and light.

Well this is getting kinda lenghty, but i wanted to cover the background. Oh temps Avg is i would say 79 with light on, have hit highs of 83.6 for maybe hour or so. no light gets no lower then 72.

ok here are some pics of the plant that i think has nitrogen toxicity. its got the whole claw thing going on, and leaves bending, and curling on the edges. Well im sure you guys will know better than i.

here are some of that i consider the best one with all of them.

they are kinda stemmy, had light kinda far first couple of days but im thinking of goin to 4 gal pots when they get about 10 inches and putting the longer weak looking stem in the dirt. Going to also start some light stress training probably in a week or 2. thats my current plan.


Active Member
Hey clorox, here's a couple things that may help:

1) Make sure the water you are using is at the right PH - around 6 or so (for soil it is a little higher, 6 is just a baseline).
2) Two weeks in you can start adding nutes. Start at 1/4 of the recommended strength and see how your girls react. Slowly go up from there if they seem OK.
3) A few days before you flower flush them with PH-right water. A few days into flower add your nutes for flowering (again start with 1/4 strength).

Good luck!!


Active Member
don't flush before flower continue veg nutes the first 2 to 3 weeks or be ready for a early yellowing plant
Different strokes and all!! I'll defer to grorite here, if that has worked better for him than great!! Either way, good luck!! :-P

PS - I do Hempy buckets and I do continue the "Grow" (as in veg) nutes through completion. My advice was strictly soil! Everyone has their own method, just make sure no matter what you do do not over-nute and always water with PH-right H2O!


New Member
Ok for sure, just worried about that one plant. since the leaves are all strechy kinda, and the claw leaf. None of the other plants have that. Its also a bit puffy i would say. But i know shes growing, the leaves are getting bigger just a bit slower then the others.

As far as nutes, that was going to be my plan to start them with the next watering, like you said at 1/4th strength.


Active Member
Ok for sure, just worried about that one plant. since the leaves are all strechy kinda, and the claw leaf. None of the other plants have that. Its also a bit puffy i would say. But i know shes growing, the leaves are getting bigger just a bit slower then the others.

As far as nutes, that was going to be my plan to start them with the next watering, like you said at 1/4th strength.
YES!! Start with 1/4 strength and see how they react. Remember, you can always ADD more nutes, but once used you can never take them away. Start slow, 1/4 strength for the first feeding. 1/2 strength the next, and so on. If you get a negative reaction cut back on them, if not even stop altogether and flush with PH-right water.

Good luck clorox, I hope you grow some wonderful plants!!! :weed:

EDIT: That one plant could be a different breed. Sativas stretch more than Indicas, which are shorter and more 'bushier'.


Well-Known Member
Buy a 2-bulb shop light (T8 or T12), throw in a couple 6500k bulbs, and save yourself some money on electricity. No way those plants need 1000w at this stage so I wouldn't turn the lamp up. I don't use ocean forest but I hear its hot (has nutrients in it) and can sustain plants for a month. It's also organic, so flushing, as in the removal of salt build-up in the soil, won't help. Next time I would start with a soilless mix in starter pots, or solo cups and then transfer to the Ocean Forest. Since it's too late for that, just water normally and hope your plants can ride it out. Good luck.

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
ok maybe its jus a noob thing, but y take a picture under HiD or LED lighting when it pertains to a sick plant, colors are key as far as i know and they throw off some color<lights> that make it impossible to tell color of leaves.


Active Member
Its fine, just water with ph balanced water and give no nutes for a couple of weeks. You used strong-ish soil on small plants so they struggled a bit, that's all.


Active Member
ok maybe its jus a noob thing, but y take a picture under HiD or LED lighting when it pertains to a sick plant, colors are key as far as i know and they throw off some color<lights> that make it impossible to tell color of leaves.
LOL - especially true with LED's!! I've seen some pics taken under LED's asking for help with a problem, yet all you can see in the pic is red!!!


Like stated before, ph'd water and regular soil. Idk who said you can't use nutes before two weeks. If you use a ppm meter and give a real small amount of it, it will be fine with baby plants


Well-Known Member
I noticed the leaves curled under,this could be due to watering to soon between waterings will also cause some yellowing around new growth,i don't know if you use a moisture meter,it helps you time in your waterings without stall with out guessing ,using refillable drinking water,i use 3 way ro system, and a seedling nute for first 2 weex is smart less your using light warrior by fox farms doesn't need none ,keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Happy Frog is the first Fox Farm soil to use it won't burn plants, you transplant into Ocean forest after 30-45 days.
i mixed perlite in to both soils when I used them.