Hello from California


Well-Known Member
My guess was based on his avitar having a Steelers helmet on it. 3/4 of the Bakersfield area are Steeler fans because Joey Porter is from here.


Well-Known Member
For a bunch of stoners, You guys sure as fuck like to fight.... WTF!!! Smoke a bowl, who gives a fuck if it's Nor Cal or So Cal or Fucking Siberia!!!!!! We are supposed to be here about the WEED not Geography! I will now step down off of my soap box. PEACE


Well-Known Member
See, I just feel left out.... Nobody will claim Bakersfield. We get called central valley. WTF! I wanna be No. or So. lOl Come to think of it, I wont even claim Bakersfield! LoL


Well-Known Member
Lmao! Alright, well then you can be northern. I wonder what the crotch of california is. haha. Hey I have a question for you, but I need to take a pic about it first, you think you could help me to tell if I overwatered it?