41 years old, mother of two teenagers, living on a farm in the countryside of Holland amidst the flat flat fields and the black and white cows (and yes we even have bulbs in the field next to us every year!) .
I'm a herborist with approx an acre of organic herb and fruitgarden garden with mostly medicinal and ritual herbs, such as 40 strains of Sage (Salvia) including Salvia Divinorum. I make cider, absinth and potions. I have a full destilling license for making flower remedies. I also supply one of the better Amsterdam coffeeshops with their organic outdoor cannabis (bio buitenwiet)that I've been growing for fifteen years. I grow mostly from Greenhouse and Soma seeds but have developed an outdoor sativa strain of my own called Ciel. I also contribute to the Mediwiet program and grow mostly for the supply for MS patients.
I organise workshop weekends and witch parties. From this spring onwards, we will also do B&B and selfcatering in the summer, for people who want the full Dutch experience in a relaxed way. This included (optional/ Schiphol) car service, staying in a classic romantic but comfortable Dutch country cottage and including a bike, meals made with local farmers produce and own veggies, etcetera and of course plenty of quality smoke. 1,5 hours (train or car) from Amsterdam, lift to and fro Amsterdam possible once or twice a week. Feel free to drop me a line if interested for photos and more details.
Impression of my work on:
41 years old, mother of two teenagers, living on a farm in the countryside of Holland amidst the flat flat fields and the black and white cows (and yes we even have bulbs in the field next to us every year!) .
I'm a herborist with approx an acre of organic herb and fruitgarden garden with mostly medicinal and ritual herbs, such as 40 strains of Sage (Salvia) including Salvia Divinorum. I make cider, absinth and potions. I have a full destilling license for making flower remedies. I also supply one of the better Amsterdam coffeeshops with their organic outdoor cannabis (bio buitenwiet)that I've been growing for fifteen years. I grow mostly from Greenhouse and Soma seeds but have developed an outdoor sativa strain of my own called Ciel. I also contribute to the Mediwiet program and grow mostly for the supply for MS patients.
I organise workshop weekends and witch parties. From this spring onwards, we will also do B&B and selfcatering in the summer, for people who want the full Dutch experience in a relaxed way. This included (optional/ Schiphol) car service, staying in a classic romantic but comfortable Dutch country cottage and including a bike, meals made with local farmers produce and own veggies, etcetera and of course plenty of quality smoke. 1,5 hours (train or car) from Amsterdam, lift to and fro Amsterdam possible once or twice a week. Feel free to drop me a line if interested for photos and more details.
Impression of my work on: