Hello from Ohio.

cool was just curious,of course much better choice to grow your own :weed:.thanks for replies
Pricing honestly depends on if they change the tax rate from what is passed like they want to, Pretty sure its taxed at 10% or 15% right now, but they wanted to go up to 35%, which would just drive most people up into mich. As far as the cost itself, My bet is, and this is just a guess mind you, that the pricing is going to be double or triple what the price is in mich.

The people passed it, but lets be honest, it passed based on the Major Population Centers, and most of the small towns and small cities are still ANTI-Weed, with many of them already passing ordances against the sale of ANY cannabis products including seeds. Lucky they can not ban the USE or Home Growing of cannabis only dispos and commercial grows can be banned by towns and cities if I am reading the law correctly.
so are there rec dispensaries in Ohio yet? if so how are prices? just curious

There are none so far. They just announced last week the beginning of the process to hand out 50 licenses. Best estimates I have seen say we won't have any recreational dispensaries until late summer or fall. There was a plan to open up the medical dispensaries to recreational clients but it was tied to a bill that would have nerfed the new law. I don't mind waiting until fall if it means they keep their hands off this new law and leave it as is.
Newbe to growing Cannabis, But not to plants.

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I have worked for a Water Bottling company for over 20 years. I have since retired.

My job was to keep the equipment running. From computers to softener, Carbon tanks, RO machines, Bottler, Coolers, Vapor Compression Steam Distiller, ECT...
Nice! Welcome to growing. Fellow buckeye here who also loves fishing and growing