Hello from the MW!


Active Member
Hello everyone from the Midwest here. Have done some outdoor and recently started indoor grow. Looking forward to learning and improving along the way.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the show. There are tons of good threads here to help you on your way. good luck on the indoor venture


Active Member
expanding my box grow to a room grow. I have a 400w hps with cool tube that I am looking to run an inline fan through and exit the air through an unused chimney. Any suggestions for a good fan that is not extremely loud, and under $100?


Active Member
Grows have been going well. Have four very sucessful grows indoors under my belt and just got some blue dream seeds for my next round. Finishing a purple bag seed strain now that has produced well under the 400 hps. Going to buy two 600 watt setups and take full advantage of my grow space this fall and winter. Was also able to get some purp bag seed outside along with my two older mother plants so we will see how they do as we'll. pray for a cool Midwestern summer!