Hello from the other side,I told you fools a 1000 times

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chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
@Rrog do you see why I am like I am with these led guys?
first, I don't have any pics, then my pic is of a bud with no resin, or it's wet or some other excuse. that is top shelf bud grown from seed, first time growing that strain, grown only with dyna gro FP. it is dried and cured for anyone with half a brain to see. But they only can attack it because they know I am right. I just don't want you to turn into one of them. they make claims that LEd bud is better, grows more bud, with more trichs. If that was even half the case, you would see a shelf for LED GROWN WEED and it would cost more.

J Bleezy

Well-Known Member
@Rrog do you see why I am like I am with these led guys?
first, I don't have any pics, then my pic is of a bud with no resin, or it's wet or some other excuse. that is top shelf bud grown from seed, first time growing that strain, grown only with dyna gro FP. it is dried and cured for anyone with half a brain to see. But they only can attack it because they know I am right. I just don't want you to turn into one of them. they make claims that LEd bud is better, grows more bud, with more trichs. If that was even half the case, you would see a shelf for LED GROWN WEED and it would cost more.
Honestly, that sounds like what you do. It does not matter what pic somebody posts, if you think it came from LED, then it's crap, period.
I'm not sure if anyone posted this, but it looks like the test was done with less than half the stated power because the dude misunderstood the build our something. So in actuality, at half cob power with that yield, led won.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if anyone posted this, but it looks like the test was done with less than half the stated power because the dude misunderstood the build our something. So in actuality, at half cob power with that yield, led won.
Not only that but because of his setup, much of the led light wasn't even hitting the plants. As well-intentioned as it was, the test looks is a horrible comparison even if the wattage was comparable.


Well-Known Member
I like Chuck! No negative energy from me brother. Sorry this is happening.

I'm going to go vape now. Wish you were all here
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