Hello future friends


Active Member
So I have been glued to this site for about a month now, so I figure I should post an intro. My wife and I are about to start aare first medical grow. My room is almost done. I built a 7 x 10 room under the house..about 7' high. I just bought two 1000w sun system switchable ballasts with the vented hoods and a 6" vortex exhaust fan. I got two 1000w MH bulbs for veg and am going to switch to HPS for flowering. I have hesitated on starting my journal because I haven't started growing yet. I plan on starting with 12 clones and making a veg room at the end of veg and snipping off some clones. I am going to grow in 10 or 15 gal smart pots with coco. I am still a little up in the air on the watering and drainage. I am a total newbe and have several grower friends that all have different advice. lol Information overload. Anyway..I guess I'll cut this off before I write a novel insted of an intro. I look forward to learning and sharing with RIU.


Well-Known Member
very nice, welcome to RIU!
it sounds like you have very ambitious plans, I am ready to see what you do with it. you have made some very wise purchases, looks like you'll skip a few of the technical difficulties many of us encountered with shitty or inadequet equipment.

make sure to practice getting successful clones before you depend on them to root/succeed.

pm me if you have any questions here.