Hello i have a really important message please help


Active Member
Can i know if i could let my plant in a 10" pot until it shows sexe
Now my plant is 1month old and 17" tall and i see couple of roots
stiking out of the button of the pot....
Now what should i do trasplant it in a bigger pot or let it grow until it show sex
and the plant strain is( seedsman purple bud )
any other information you need please ask it 2 me
and by the way im using a 430w hps and a 12" fan
and nutrients are plant-prod 20-20-20 all purpose
and for flowering miracle grow ultra bloom 30-15-30
and the soil im using is miracle grow moister control
this is every thing i found at reno-depot because there is
no garden stores here
Thank you


Well-Known Member
Always better to transplant into the final pot BEFORE putting into flowering. Do you know the capacity of the pot? Anything under about 10 litres might be a little bit small.


Active Member
I don't know the capacity of the pot i just know that it is 10"
and if i trasplsnt it in a bigger pot and finnaly turns out a
male what em i going 2 do?