hello, im nice im sure your nice,, can i come inn

grime mc

Hey all, a new member here for you to point and laugh at... only kiddin but hopefully we can get some laughs out tho..

OK i dont really know what to say so ill keep it short n sweet, im not new to growing but im far from a pro, "intermediate" is the correct term i believe but one thing i am new too is compost as i have always been a strict hydro guy and after smoking some of the best tasting weed from soil grows ive left the darkside:lol:..

Many people have tried convincing me that i better be prepared to loose loads were yield is concerned.
I am happy to take a loss in yield to begin with ,but once i get my room and compost techniques dialled in then im pretty sure i can get what i was from hydro in soil.
I grow only for myself and my needs so i dont need to be harvesting a pound a month, give me quality over quantity any day of the week.

This is my first grow in a little while but its just like riding a bike and thankfully it has not been that long since my last crop that bikes are like some thing from back to the future,
Growing techniques have moved on a good bit and there is 10x more seed company's with 100x the amount of bullshit but im sifting through it and getting a giggle along the way,
although because of this i am really finding it hard to choose what my next packet of seeds should be and i have very limited space so even if i went down the pick N mix route then i could still only choose two strains as i would not want to buy 5 or 6 seeds all of which a different strain just incase i did not get 100% germination success.
So aswell as seeking a bit of help with all things soil i will also be looking for advice with new bean selection.

[so far im thinking 2 G13 Labs blueberry gum and 2 DNA Rocklock, i would really like my next harvest to be of 2 strains, one a yummy fruity fun smoke and the other a good old "Mike Tyson haymaker sit yo ass down" kind of smoke]

regrettably money is an issue as far as buying beans is concerned and due to my space i would rather go with feminised so if any one can offer any suggestions then im all ears..

Thanks for reading this and i hope to make some cool cyber friends.
OH also if there are any hot Canadian chicks reading this who want a cool English husband then please get in touch:lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey all, a new member here for you to point and laugh at... only kiddin but hopefully we can get some laughs out tho
+rep for a sense of humor. you will need it here, lots of wise asses...

OH also if there are any hot Canadian chicks reading this who want a cool English husband then please get in touch:lol::lol:
well I'm not looking for a husband, but we can be friends :)

grime mc

+rep for a sense of humor. you will need it here, lots of wise asses...

well I'm not looking for a husband, but we can be friends :)
cool thanks for lettin me kno about the "wise asses" ill get my ass deflector suit out, wise asses aint never that wise tho,? they should get a better job.

im not really looking for a wife, ive got a dog n a few snakes so im cool, [not in a fiddle with beasts sort of way] its more Canadian citizenship im after ha ha, just dont tell the immigration people.
yer we can be friends,,, have you got any mates,?

ok the clown mask is off now, thank you for the welcome...


hey dude i am new myself here and to growing but love doing it.. just popping past to say welcome and hi..



Well-Known Member
so glad that you left the darkside. you will love growing in soil, yes it does take a bit longer but as you know the outcome is way better IMO.glad to have you as part of our vastly growing family. sub'd and can't wait to see the pics brother.


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard friend, you are going to like this site very much. There are so many nice people that love to help and give advices. And I wish only the best grows for ya bro.

Btw if you are looking for a very nice strain I really reccomend LSD from Barneys farm. It was my last harvest and as soon as i took a few hits it instantly became one of my favorite strains. The high is very trippy and longlasting, as far as tastes goes it reminds me of hints of lemon and sweet. LSD is an amazing strain.

grime mc

Thank you all for the warm welcome, im new to forums so you'll have to forgive any mistakes in etiquette.
Im pleased i left the darkside too, i know that as long as im growing indoors and controlling my environment [to the best of my ability] that im not really "organic" but im really loving the soil thing, it feels better and the plants just seem more,,,, well i dont know how to put it but they seem more life like,? if that makes sense,
I am willing to except that could just be in my head but i dont think so,?
Any way just to clear some thing up now ive got my foot in the door, IM NOT NICE, ha ha haha im gona be a right fucker, only kiddin,, its good to be here and thanks for havin me..
Bless up ya'll [whoo'hoo, im English so thats the first time ive ever said "ya'll" ,even tho i only cyber said it , it still sort of counts]