Hello! Need help with my plants!


Hi! this is my first grow and I got some problems with the leaves and wondering what it could be? I have been looking at the sitcks but I can not still see what it's wrong with them, or know what to do with them. Here you get some pic of them , pls help me out! And give me advice what could be done. IMG_0448.jpgIMG_0446.jpgIMG_0445.jpgIMG_0444.jpgIMG_0443.jpgIMG_0447.jpgIMG_0446.jpg

Thanks for your time!


IMG_0449.jpgI got my own well and got around 6.0 ph in it! I get the ph around 5.5 - 6.4 , I let it go up and down between thouse! I have not use that much nutrien , couse the are stickys. some of them got roted and still some that have not roted, I have used also Rot nutriens. I got a Ghe Rainforest! and a 250 watt MH. I also use the GHE schedule and nutriens. the strain is C99 and a other strain I don't remember :-o

anything more just ask, So I can get a hum about this .
Thanks for your time!