Hello new guys/gal's. ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting on the GDP man........ fuckin guy takes forever sometimes.... :(

Gotta run though bro. I'll text you later and see if you plan to come on. :)

Later BRO!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting on the GDP man........ fuckin guy takes forever sometimes.... :(

Gotta run though bro. I'll text you later and see if you plan to come on. :)

Later BRO!!!!!!!!!
Alright bro, sounds good. * Hey, just remember to change clothes b4 going "back into your grow room", after visiting his.. ;)


Active Member
Well, it all depends really. What's your trichs looking like :??: Also does she still have white pistols shooting out :??:
The trics are looking pretty cloudy I cant see to many amber or to many clear but the 42o scope isnt as clear as I hoped it to be, still nice though. There are still white pistols shooting out but more and more are turning brown daily. I havnt checked the trics today as of yet, but I will after this post. I'll post a few pics from yesterday below :).

Im not sure how close I am but its gotta be withen a week. She has been in flower since June 21st. So 13 weeks since the switch and it takes 2 weeks for flowering to really start. That makes it 11 weeks into actual flowering.


Active Member
Well the trics are about 65% cloudy and I did see plenty of clear only a few amber barely noticeable. I figured out the trick with that scope do it in the dark and you can see better lol. Im such a noob :)


Well-Known Member
let them run till 0% clear. you can continue till 50/50 if you want.
It's personal preference after you reach the 0% clear mark.

Good Luck


Active Member
let them run till 0% clear. you can continue till 50/50 if you want.
It's personal preference after you reach the 0% clear mark.

Good Luck
Thanks, Im hoping they go all cloudy with some amber soon like lol. I want to get her hanging and in the jars :) as everyone else does lol. Stew what do you think of my first grow can I pull a ounce from her dry weight? Was I close in saying within a week for her to be done do you think? Im not trying to sound like I am rushing just want to ger her done if you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Without being there in person or seeing each bud up against some sort of scale(for size not weight) i can't guess weights by pics.
I'm always wrong. lol

I can tell you this. If you can get ahold of a "hanging scale" it will help you get your best estimate.
I've got one in my storage unit. Haven't brought it here yet.
Hanging scales are used to measure livestock feed and shit like that.

Wet weight divided by 4 = dry weight. Be sure to subtract a few grams for stalks in the end.


Active Member
Alright thanks, ya I can understand that. You know I swear since I have been growing this lady I feel like im back in school lol. Ill stop bugging you Stew, Thanks for all your help :).


Well-Known Member
Never a bother to me to help out a fellow grower. Anytime bro. :)

It's a lot to learn. but after a few grows it seems natural to most of us. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Dank
Check out my balls :o

whoot got some seeds i think i kinda over did it with the CS it is VERY pollinated >.<


Active Member
lol Thats what you wanted it to do right Tek. Hey man what do you take your shots with a iphone with a scope on the case?


Well-Known Member
its a android phone with my loupe
all i got but it works
some of those lenses for the iphone are bad ass
and yes i wanted a dirty tranny girl knocked up a few hundred times >.<


Active Member
I dont own a loupe yet, I did get the 420 scope just because it was cheaper on the zon then the carson and I also have a reg cheap mircoscope that I used to take my tric pictures with. I got to be honest though Im gonna be getting a loupe because the 420 scope takes some getting used to. Ive only had it for a week so you know i still dont know wtf I am doing with it lol.


Active Member
60x is a little to much I'm gonna order a loupe soon, but Ive seen many mixed reviews with the lenses being no better then 10x and all and battery doors not opening blah blah blah welcome to the zons reviews of bs.


Well-Known Member
60x wasn't good enough for me. lol. All my trich pics are with a digi-scope and 100x or smaller. :) i get alien looking planet type shit. hahaha


Active Member
Ok I'm blowing up this thread again lol how the heck do you get your photos to be larger like that and into the text box?