hello people of this forum i need help

Hello people of this forum, i found this website by googleing the best one. i need help if you dont mind. we and my wife and baby live off the grid in the app mountains, we bought 200 hundred acres and i built us a real real nice house in the middle, the problems is it takes an hour to get to a paved road and 2 hours to get to a town with electric lights, i need your help. i planted seeds i had d years , and i dont know what to do, we have 3 plants now and they are about a foot tall and stinky, way stinkier than our other plants. how do i tell if it will Be a female. sorry for my bad spelling and puncuation, we dont leave our mountain much and i have to type this on old 'smart' phone on free internet i stealing had to come to town to buy grain and I can't buy buds no more , we go through a '8th' in 2 days and we buy 30 at a time, thank you much everyone and burn on! I only have this internet for an hour, and maybe tomorrow morning thank you


Well-Known Member
OK, you want to find out what sex.... stinky is a good sign that its female. You will see some white hairs at the nodes as well. Do you see white hairs?


Well-Known Member
A male's easy to spot some balls start to develop in between the nodes.....what sort of power do you have and is it outside you want to grow.........
Hey guys, just curious, some of my stems on the top of the plant are turning purple. Not the main trunk though. What could be causing this? Thank you