Hello, Please help, rust spots, nut lock up, plants are starting to die!!!


Hello Everybody,

This is my first post ever and hope i follow all the protocols,

First i will give you the back story, i am in Spain and just moved to a new house, on the Med the use huge desalination machines for the tap water that turns sea water into drinking water but still leaves a ungodly amount of unprocessed salts, so the water quality is dodgy to say the least, every house i move to has its own issues with the tap water.

I have a r.o. unit but do not have the money to change the filters right now, believe it or not my tap water has a E.C. of 1.3! And after it goes through r.o. it is still a e.c. of 0.18-0.2 i know the filters need a change but as i said no money.

I started noticing the little rust dots around a week ago but thought it was bugs or something, after a epic check of the plants and room i found nothing, then really quickly it started getting bad on one plant, to the point i have lost most fan leaves and and new growth has the same rust spots, at this point it has spread to 7 plants in different degrees of damage.

I have read online that it could be a P.H. problem so i flushed out everything with r.o. water and a p.h. of 6.4, that was two days ago and it has only gotten worse, i recently read that it could be a cal mag problem and that my bad water locked everything out along with a monster feed i gave them four days ago that had a e.c. of 1.5, normally they take it fine but this time they were not happy, it was my first feed after about 9 days of flower, as i said normally i try to push them hard from the beginning keeping the light burn all the way through, this time they said AAAAAAHHHHHHH lol.

I have four strains going, Dinafem C+, Dinafem Cheese, Napalm (from a local Spanish Co.) and Nirvana AK-48, the Napalm and AK-48 are not showing signs yet but the Cheese and C+ are getting ravaged. I am using G.H. Flora series nutrients a,b,c, and additives like growth excel, Carbo load, and a few other Advanced Nutrient products in small amounts.

I have battled every grow since being here, its either powdery mildew or soil flies or spider mites and always HORRIBLE water, if i lose these plants my dog and i will be on the street so i really need a proactive solution that will save the day, i am just a small guy with no latitude for failure due to the current economic climate, i plan on getting epson salts tomorrow and doing foliar spray mixed with watering but will this work with my horrible water quality? Are my only options new r.o. filters that will put the water back at 0.0 for a few weeks? Will Cal\Mag fix it with out the filters? We barely have food money at the moment so i don't know how i will get the 110 euro for new filters but i will sell my ass if i have to as opposed to let my ladies die!( i'm joking but things ARE desperate and i can not lose these girls)

If ANYONE can give me some insight on how to deal with this or have experienced the same issues please enlighten me on what i need to do, thanks in advance for any feed back.

Sorry for the poor picture quality but the only camera i have is on my phone, hence the detailed explanation of my situation.
Yeah them pics ain't the best but it looks like its a ph problem I've grown cheese a few time n had ph problems I'd say to get some dolomite lime and only use a little at a time less is more, I mix into water and give a good amount until u get enough run off, within 12/24 hours u will c the change apart from leaves that r already damaged, hope u sort it out good luck


Hey Greenfingers thanks for the quick reply, i wil get some dolomite lime tomorrow, is there a formula you use that works best? how much to add per liter of water? Do you think it is only ph lock out? Those little rust dots are not mag/cal problems? Or is it that the ph problem locked everything out and i fix that and im golden? I will update as soon as i start the lime watering and notice a difference. Thanks again.

Yeah them pics ain't the best but it looks like its a ph problem I've grown cheese a few time n had ph problems I'd say to get some dolomite lime and only use a little at a time less is more, I mix into water and give a good amount until u get enough run off, within 12/24 hours u will c the change apart from leaves that r already damaged, hope u sort it out good luck
Hey again I don't use any formula as such, more the fact of how big the plants are and the size of the pots. I veg in 3liter pots and I had to use some for my Bigfoot the other day so I mixed up a litres worth, I'd say try an 8th of a teaspoon first but keep it on the small side to a litre cuz the last thing u want is to cause ur soil to be too alkaline for ur girls, so even if it takes 1 or 2 applications ur get that back on track, the best advice I could give while doing this is to learn to read ur plants I've found all the advice out there will only get I so far, trial and error is the best way I've learnt, this is by far the most rewarding hobbie I've had, ive only got a years worth of growing under my belt but it's like I was born to grow lol keep me updated if u can be good to see how grow turns out. Good luck


Hola greenfingers,

I got ya, its all plant dependent, strain, size etc, my kids are are 4 ft high and 2 ft wide in 12 liter pots, you were bang on the money with the ph problem diagnosis, i checked the run off this morning and it was ph 6.0, which is way to low for soil, its funny i have been doing this awhile and never had soil problems, my kids usually are on autopilot without major issues, for me its usually bugs or powdery mildew so this is a first. What do you think of a epsom salt foliar feed to give them mag now and make some of the nutrients available? Never done it before but have been reading about it and seems like a winner. Anyway thanks for the feedback and i will keep ya posted.

Happy Smoking Bro!
Hey S.o.M

Well I've never needed to foliar feed even after I've adjusted the ph as the nutrients become available once the problem has even rectified but it wouldn't do them any harm I guess. And wow ur girls r that big!! What space and equipment have u got? I've had to make a grow room in the attic so hight is an issue, also the weather here in good old England is shite so keeping the temps right is a challenge. Happy I could help out and looking forward to hearing how ur girls turn out.


Active Member
your watering too much wtf bra? chill out! all you have to do is tease them think about it... light AIR water,Nutes!! Your water logging them it looks like lmao. back off on your waterings. a little goes along way bra. it seems to me like you might have a soil mix i didnt read shame on me... but really, your watering too much at one time. no more then a 20 ounce bottle of water or atleast half that much. feed 2-3 times a week and water the rest. let your soil dry out too. id chock it up as experience if I were you lol.


Active Member
maybe some sea kelp or something. you'll still get a harvest. make sure you dry and cure to the max with no errors!!!!