New Member
Hi my name is Touche on most sites but here someone already has the name so I picked this, it seemed more fitting for this FIRST and probably LAST post. See I am Touchet's wife. Some of you may have already read a post I made under his name about the girl leaving her hubby for smoking pot. Well, I am back. WOW is Touchet PISSED! The thread were everyone was giving the guy shit for asking for seeds. I thought this site was for helping people cultivate cannabis, he and I both must be mistaken. We won't even get into the whole, "he might have been joking, like everyone else!" aspect of him just getting BANNED!!
Let's talk about the site fist. i hate him posting pics, doing journals etc. It takes away from my time with him. I hate the fact that him and his damn freinds sit around all weekend and talk about growing (they all grow and have for years) and then come Monday he is over at the fucking garden all day. and again on wed, and friday, all the god damn time! I hate it.
You know what I don't hate? The fact that my husband is willing to do whatever he can to help another human being in need. When he first started growing indoors he spent two years researching the subject, that's longer than some people around here have been growing. Two years reading, watching videos, doing experiments outside with plants, you have no idea the amount of time he spends once he decides he wants to do something. See, Touchet is what some people call a savant. He was in an accident and received severe head trauma. When he woke up his brain was in over drive, it's never shut off since. Do not confuse him with the rain man savant you may be thinking of, as you can tell be reading his posts he not only stores and recalls tremendous amounts of information, he uses it. He doesn't bookmark pages he sends people to, he knows them because he saw them once. Get it?
Now take that and what I just told you about his research and let your mind wonder. If you had money from an accident and I mean MONEY (married him waaay before this happened so dont even) and you liked growing cannabis, what would you do?? Did any of you read his post about ordering the plasma light thing? How many of you responded with "I thought those weren't out yet?"
Another question, raise your hand if you have ever seen branches less than half a centimeter apart, on top of each other all the way up??
Like this??
No you haven't!! UNLESS you've been in Touchet's journal that is.
Two years of research is what RIU current and future loses if this ban stays.
Touchet did nothing against the rules that I could find. Then again using advanced search, "forum rules" and "site rules" turned up NOTHING so its kinda hard to tell if "joking around saying you'll "GIVE" someone something, not "SELL" them something is against the rules. A whole bunch of people must have been banned huh?? Ban, wow. He has left sites after setting up a journal there because of less than this. And as par with him I'm sure he didn't bother trying to talk it out with staff, he'll just send an email asking for the ban to be lifted so he can erase ALL HIS POSTS or ask the staff to do it.
Maybe the mod that banned him could show me what he did wrong if its not to much trouble, and also, if ya could show me where one would find this info?!
Funny thing is, there is a place on this site where you can buy, sell, trade equipment. You just have to pay a premium to use it.
ToucheBitches, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Good luck RIU, to all of you, sincerely. I'm sure if you give it a day or two you'll find Touchet under a new name on another site somewhere, his plants are easy to spot in a crowd.
I'll keep an eye on this, waiting for the MOD response, if there is one.
If Touchet got banned because he "said" he would "give away" equipment and/or seeds to someone that needed them. If he got banned because he was willing to give out of his own heart as well as pocket, then fuck it, that speaks volumes on its own about Touchet.
You guys know he was offering to do a raffle on the site and give away an entire set up?? Grow tent, hydro shit, lights, everything. Give it away.
Let's talk about the site fist. i hate him posting pics, doing journals etc. It takes away from my time with him. I hate the fact that him and his damn freinds sit around all weekend and talk about growing (they all grow and have for years) and then come Monday he is over at the fucking garden all day. and again on wed, and friday, all the god damn time! I hate it.
You know what I don't hate? The fact that my husband is willing to do whatever he can to help another human being in need. When he first started growing indoors he spent two years researching the subject, that's longer than some people around here have been growing. Two years reading, watching videos, doing experiments outside with plants, you have no idea the amount of time he spends once he decides he wants to do something. See, Touchet is what some people call a savant. He was in an accident and received severe head trauma. When he woke up his brain was in over drive, it's never shut off since. Do not confuse him with the rain man savant you may be thinking of, as you can tell be reading his posts he not only stores and recalls tremendous amounts of information, he uses it. He doesn't bookmark pages he sends people to, he knows them because he saw them once. Get it?
Now take that and what I just told you about his research and let your mind wonder. If you had money from an accident and I mean MONEY (married him waaay before this happened so dont even) and you liked growing cannabis, what would you do?? Did any of you read his post about ordering the plasma light thing? How many of you responded with "I thought those weren't out yet?"
Another question, raise your hand if you have ever seen branches less than half a centimeter apart, on top of each other all the way up??
Like this??

No you haven't!! UNLESS you've been in Touchet's journal that is.
Two years of research is what RIU current and future loses if this ban stays.
Touchet did nothing against the rules that I could find. Then again using advanced search, "forum rules" and "site rules" turned up NOTHING so its kinda hard to tell if "joking around saying you'll "GIVE" someone something, not "SELL" them something is against the rules. A whole bunch of people must have been banned huh?? Ban, wow. He has left sites after setting up a journal there because of less than this. And as par with him I'm sure he didn't bother trying to talk it out with staff, he'll just send an email asking for the ban to be lifted so he can erase ALL HIS POSTS or ask the staff to do it.
Maybe the mod that banned him could show me what he did wrong if its not to much trouble, and also, if ya could show me where one would find this info?!
Funny thing is, there is a place on this site where you can buy, sell, trade equipment. You just have to pay a premium to use it.
ToucheBitches, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
- Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
Good luck RIU, to all of you, sincerely. I'm sure if you give it a day or two you'll find Touchet under a new name on another site somewhere, his plants are easy to spot in a crowd.
I'll keep an eye on this, waiting for the MOD response, if there is one.
If Touchet got banned because he "said" he would "give away" equipment and/or seeds to someone that needed them. If he got banned because he was willing to give out of his own heart as well as pocket, then fuck it, that speaks volumes on its own about Touchet.
You guys know he was offering to do a raffle on the site and give away an entire set up?? Grow tent, hydro shit, lights, everything. Give it away.