
:peace: Hey I have been checking this site out for about a week or two now. Lots of good info...and plenty of fun topics. I am 27 years old and just had my first back surgery a month and 1/2 ago. I am an Oregon Medical Marijuana Patient and cannot speak highly enough of the success I have had with nerve pain control with the capsules. It did more for me than the heavy doses of morphine and percocet. I look forward to getting to know other OMMP patients/medical users. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Welcome. Bummer about the back. I have back and neck problems also.
Stop on by and check out my grow journal.
WELCOME,HEY,OLA, sorry to hear about the back to glad to hear about your views on the herb, only time its got me threw pain was when i got a few teeth out and fair enough i was high as for a week but beats dealing with it in agony, i toke out of pure enjoyment and love for the herb, everything about it is so sweet!
hope ur back doesn't cause u to much problems in life,
Wee question, u ever decide to get really high some days and eat all ur tablets? id prob end up competing with myself trying to see how many i can eat before i pass out lol
WELCOME,HEY,OLA, sorry to hear about the back to glad to hear about your views on the herb, only time its got me threw pain was when i got a few teeth out and fair enough i was high as for a week but beats dealing with it in agony, i toke out of pure enjoyment and love for the herb, everything about it is so sweet!
hope ur back doesn't cause u to much problems in life,
Wee question, u ever decide to get really high some days and eat all ur tablets? id prob end up competing with myself trying to see how many i can eat before i pass out lol
I, too, enjoy to smoke. It just seems that different methods of ingesting the medicine all have the different effects and the best I have found for the pain control is the capsules. So, no, I don't try to see how many I can take or anything, they don't even seem to give you much of a "high" feeling...just take care of that pain. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I did an experimental batch once, but they didn't quite turn out as potent as I would have liked. I am gonna keep trying, but, in the meantime I have someone else make them.

i may try making some. i will have to pick up some supplies first. if i do i will start a thread. :peace::joint::joint: