
the widowman

Well-Known Member
i would just smoke sativas only and with a few beers as this helps with the uplifting high that you get from sativas. also sometimes people just think they've got a phycological problem when really there A o.k man!!!!!!!


New Member
Hi, my names Kyle and I'm 20...I have a question though. I get "depersonalization" from smoking bud and days after smoking I still have the DP...I want to keep smoking but I hate this DP. If I smoke less do you think it wouldn't be there? Thanks. Depersonalization is this if you didnt know - Depersonalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Thanks.

Take some adderall... when i smoke i get all burnt out of mids but when i take some adderall.. 20 mg i got energy and shit


Well-Known Member
um try not to smoke by urself. helps alot. you might want to go to a doctor and ask him what the fuck is wrong with me. not being insultive though.


Well-Known Member
Some people are just wired this way.

My ex wife would have panic attacks If I smoke around her.

It was rough when she wanted to smoke before we knew what was causing it.

One time I had just finished a blunt while I was sitting beside her on the couch in out apt.

SHe started freaking out literally.
After I finally got her to the emergency room the doctor must have smelt the herb on me.

He told me that it can cause panic attacks.
He told me not to smoke around her anymore.

It helped out alot.
She still had them just not as frequent.

I think it was the trigger.
Although she had several other things that had just happened to her.
Her mom died.
Then a yr later her dad died.

She was pretty much alone in the world without me.
She would freak out when I was at work.

It took her a few years but she finally got it under control.

It was very rough there for a few months though.

I can recall one week I was at the ER 4x's.

We did not split because of the that.
Beyond that she had other probs.

We just rushed into it.
We are still good friends though.


Well-Known Member
midgrade, my wife is like that also. for the most part I want to kick her in the throat but i refrain. i don't smoke around her but yet she thinks someone is out to get her. we really did rush into the marriage. were are not even good friends anymore. i think the only reason we though it out is becouse of our son so he can live in an atomic house. well this would be great for another thread. the reson I am stating is for silvier. see your not the only fucked up person in the world. my wife is also.