
dirty rat

Hey guys....

Hello everybody.. Newbie here. Great site and some great info :clap:

Well I'm from the UK and been smoking for some 25 years on and off.
I have finally decided to try and grow. I'm so fed up of paying high prices for crap goodies... Around here it's £30-£40 for 1.7gr :wall:

OK this is my plan....
I need to be as stealth as possible.
I'm thinking two things... set up in my wardrobe, 3ft X 20in X 4ft high or build a Box 4ft X 2ft X 4ft?
400watt HPS and flood and drain system, vents,fans,exhaust, and carbon filter (Haven't worked out what size fans I need as yet? Walls lined with Mylar (SP?)
Please feel free to comment on my plans for build. Good or bad? Any hints or tips will be gratefully received....

I only intend to do 1 or possibly 2 harvests a year indoors for me and partners medicine/meditation aid....
The flood and drain sytem will be a 4 pod jobbie that the makers say can hold 1-3 plants per pot.....?????
So at most 12 plants but I reckon I would rather the less is more approach, quality over quantity....... For now :-P

As money is very tight at the mo, I intend to read and gather more info until the time is right rather than rush in feet first.

Well I won't waffle on any longer for now.... Again, a very BIG thank you for such a great site and all the free info contained within...



Active Member
As a newb myself, being about a month into my first round I would suggest making sure you have some of the basic stuff then jump right in! This has been a huge learning curve for me but I have found that what I needed to start and get going was pretty simple. Secure/clean space, light (s), pots/grow medium, seed/clones, and a good working knowledge of when to do what. Right away some things I found I needed were water ph test, soil ph test, mylar sheets, plastic sheets, peat pots/rockwool cubes, thermometor, fan, humidifier, fertilizer etc. I think a 400w or even a 250w is perfect for a first time grow. There's my 2 cents. =)


Well-Known Member
Wel Stealth is no noise and no odour.

Look into Centrifical Fan ~ Duct Mufflers and a Fan and Carbon Filter unit.

I have read all kinds of good clues for making things quiet so drop me a note if you need more hints.


dirty rat

Thanks for the replies....

I might well take you up on the offer! I have a flat (Apartment) below me,above me and to the left and right. So big time stealth it has to be.... I'm sure the walls are made out of rice paper!
Been doing loads of reading and research into the gear that I need for my little set-up,buy Christ are things expensive in this hobby! But I guess you get what you pay for...



Well-Known Member
Ha! Are expensive? At least the Fluorescents are up to value for cost.

i sure like the new Compact bulbs.. I buy 65 Watt units mostly.

But yes I am sure I have spent a lot here and maybe just breaking even for all the years of spending.

Screws, cord, tape , filters, carbon and so on.. never ends and the one that makes Bank now is the Electric Company.

Lets see some folks take a Cooler like an Igloo beer cooler and pad that with sound absorbing material and the Centrifugal fan goes in there.
the Mufflers are called Duct Mufflers and you can build your own to save money or to do a custom job.

Oh and try and phase in the electric load rather than have one timer that pulls heavy all at once to keep them from noticing a dimming at the same time each day.

Anyway any help I can be I will.

Hey you might enjoy my new site. It's a grass roots effort here but stop by and populate. let me know if I can provide more for my friends over the pond!

California2012.org I think it's High time we had a Meeting Hall and I hope the transparency of California2012.org will serve all.