

I NEED HELP I want to start growin in my closet from scratch and ive never done it before can someone please tell me what supplies i need???


Active Member
buy cheap an that shit will last 2mins m8. invest and get no nasty surprises and find ur shit stopped workin while u been out:fire:


bud bootlegger
Htg supply has all of ur needs at great prices as well.. just Google Htg supply, sorry, I'm on me phone or else I'd get u a link..


bud bootlegger
one more question what is the best kind of soil you can get at like a home depot
just try and find one that doesn't have any mixed in nutrients already.. any brand will work, look for words like organic, and you should be good to go m8..


Active Member
scrap the soil from a home depot, u need a good soil with the correct perlite etc so your roots can thrive. for around same price invest in some all mix or light mix soil from a local hydroponics store. if you have none near you then make your own, correct ratios and ingredients can be found online. also different strains respond well to different mix's so do your research.:peace:


i have 3 questions when i put the seeds in the soil do i water it right away?........how often do water it and how much?........should i put the lights on it right away?


Active Member
yes you need water m8. leave soil to dry before you water again. this will take a range of different times to dry out depending on pot size. heat and stage of growth. be sure to let the top 2inch of soil completly dry so to avoid rot. and finally wait till your seed has sprouted and formed its 1st leaves till u put light on. not really much point b4. concentrate on keeping medium warm to encourage root growth. hope this helps m8:peace: