++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

Cool. That reminds me, the reason for an ebb and flow with rockwool is so the roots get a stream of water, and then back in the res ya? Well, what if the roots grow out the rockwool, and on the table? Problem? If so, then if I flower 12/12 from clones, how big a rockwool would I need?
If you don't plan on moving them around I like to place a root mat down. Then cubes on top. 6" cubes are great but you can use 4" but roots need somewhere to go. But if you plan to move the plants just cover you table with panda plastic. Cut holes where you want the plants and place the cubes in there. Use the flaps you cut to cover the RW from mildew. This will keep light off your roots.
That makes since. The clone mat you speak of, is that ole a germination dome with heat Mat? I was thinking a propagator with plugs, but the dome would be easier
That's not for cloning. It's after you clone and place in final cubes. Once roots grow in to it. It's almost impossible to cut it and move without damaging roots.
It's real hard to say. HR has his experimenting down. I'm still working with different things that work for my style of growing. But over all we should be close to each others. But our styles are way different. But the same. I think I got mine down but need 1 more grow to set it in stone.
I've had a few issues with my grows. Jail and being gone with work. If every grow whent right I have 15 plants going. I can get 4-6 zips each or more. So that's over 5L. I could do better but with me being gone alot I'm happy. I have yet to do a full good grow becouse I'm still working on what works best for me. I won't say one way is better or worse. I know what is working for me. I'm only 4 years into hydro. So I'm still far from HR in the way of trying different things.
I can get 16k evey 9 weeks. But then you break it down. After all bills and nutes and extra stuff. Take out for personal use. Then split it between me and my partners. And take out what I give away to people that realy need stuff ( green/ equipment) we get an extra 1500 a month each. I can't live off that. I'm not in it to not work. I love my job. Get paid to travel the world. I do it to help people in need. And there are people here that can say I give alot. Hell this weekend I think I handed out about $400 bucks of stuff to someone that needed it. Even took it 2 hours away to them. So looking at the money isn't me. As long as we are all happy bills are paid and green is growing. I'm doing what I like.
Pretty good story... I get 2k a month in a apartment. I'm a stay at home dad. Girlfriend brings home another 2k a month. Once we move- months away, were getting a house, so I'm going bigger aiming for 5/10k a month. Save and retire man.. Save and retire hah

Your going a different direction on me?? No more AN PH perfect?

Not by my choice paco, i love the stuff but theres been to many bad bottles
as of late! Not sure why but the mix is coming way to hot and not what it was
a few months ago!

it boils down to everytime i buy new bottles i have to re adjust how i mix it,
not consistant anymore :(

you having any issue?
Not by my choice paco, i love the stuff but theres been to many bad bottles
as of late! Not sure why but the mix is coming way to hot and not what it was
a few months ago!

it boils down to everytime i buy new bottles i have to re adjust how i mix it,
not consistant anymore :(

you having any issue?

HR, I kind of have mixed feelings about it. I like the PH Perfect aspect of it but honestly I've never mixed it according to the instructions. I feel if I mixed at there recommended ratio I would torch my plants! So because I don't mix it according to the instructions I never start with a PH level lower then 6.0. But I figured the benefit of the PH Perfect I Didn't have to worry about it. Although in a weeks time my PH never goes above 6.8-6.9. Overall it's been ok. When we originally talked I was calling the shop for canna and thats when I went with AN PH Perfect.
HR, I kind of have mixed feelings about it. I like the PH Perfect aspect of it but honestly I've never mixed it according to the instructions. I feel if I mixed at there recommended ratio I would torch my plants! So because I don't mix it according to the instructions I never start with a PH level lower then 6.0. But I figured the benefit of the PH Perfect I Didn't have to worry about it. Although in a weeks time my PH never goes above 6.8-6.9. Overall it's been ok. When we originally talked I was calling the shop for canna and thats when I went with AN PH Perfect.

Im with you on the mixing! Theres no way to follow them lol but im sold on the ph perfect ability, but my last run
was distroyed by a bad mix on there part! All i did was mix to 900 ppm! The same mix i always do and fault on my
part for not double checking but its never been a issue before. Well it was 1800ppm and shit just fried :( so that
and even dude at the shop lost a run to a hot batch!

With all that and canna just siting there im going to try it.

i have run everything else they carry and none of them yield as much as AN so
im hoping canna rocks the house cause im in a corner at this point!
Im with you on the mixing! Theres no way to follow them lol but im sold on the ph perfect ability, but my last run
was distroyed by a bad mix on there part! All i did was mix to 900 ppm! The same mix i always do and fault on my
part for not double checking but its never been a issue before. Well it was 1800ppm and shit just fried :( so that
and even dude at the shop lost a run to a hot batch!

With all that and canna just siting there im going to try it.

i have run everything else they carry and none of them yield as much as AN so
im hoping canna rocks the house cause im in a corner at this point!

I know you tested almost everything! I'll be curious to see how it goes! Good luck!