++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

Wow hellraizer30 in little over a year 107 pages, I wish I had time to read it all, I will, just not tonight, congrats and thanks for all the great info. I have questions for you or anyone using General Hydroponics Nutes. In particular the floralicious plus product, my questions are, has anyone used it before and if you have, did you noticed that it tends to build up on the buckets, pumps, air stones, and any other rough surface? AND How often are you cleaning you res and buckets with or without any build ups or other problems, is it between grows or some other kind of schedule? Thanks Using DIY ebb and flow.
Wow hellraizer30 in little over a year 107 pages, I wish I had time to read it all, I will, just not tonight, congrats and thanks for all the great info. I have questions for you or anyone using General Hydroponics Nutes. In particular the floralicious plus product, my questions are, has anyone used it before and if you have, did you noticed that it tends to build up on the buckets, pumps, air stones, and any other rough surface? AND How often are you cleaning you res and buckets with or without any build ups or other problems, is it between grows or some other kind of schedule? Thanks Using DIY ebb and flow.

That plus stuff is like growing with nova very dirty and yes lots of junk! I would clean the res every res change using those
nutes. With other clean nute brands you may not even have to but every grow!
Wow hellraizer30 in little over a year 107 pages, I wish I had time to read it all, I will, just not tonight, congrats and thanks for all the great info. I have questions for you or anyone using General Hydroponics Nutes. In particular the floralicious plus product, my questions are, has anyone used it before and if you have, did you noticed that it tends to build up on the buckets, pumps, air stones, and any other rough surface? AND How often are you cleaning you res and buckets with or without any build ups or other problems, is it between grows or some other kind of schedule? Thanks Using DIY ebb and flow.

That's why I decided to not use Floralicious. That and it made my room smell like shit.
Thanks hellraizer, ok guys I am NEW to cap ebb and grow.been growing in coco for about a year or so, I picked up two cap's (12) and will get going soon. I need to know how to put my clones from the box in to my cap set up. 2 gal. buckets (clay) the guy at the hydro store said just put them in straight in to it. can you guys give me some info on the best way. you guys know your way around on this cap systems. HR/WL I have gotting a LOT of good info from you guys and all others on this forum Thanks eh.
Fill your system with the hydroton about 2in from the top and move your cuts and plant them at that level,
this will put the flood lvl right at the bottom of your rooting cubes. With hydroton i would flood them 2 times
a day for 15min for the first week them go to 3 times for the 2nd week, after veg i like 4 times for 15min
for bloom!

look into roots excel by house and gardens
HR,i use h/g love it. one more newbe ? do I put the clones in to RW as they are coming out of the box with out. it is nice that you guys help out new guys (not so much around here) thank you for the fast reply
HR I'm have a 50 gallon Rez flooding a 4x4 table canna nutrients a&b. my question is I've been running the tea for about a month now and my ph keep jumping up from 5.8 to 7.4 about every 24 hours. I don't have the cleer slime anymore just the brown slime from the tea. I add about one gallon to my 50 gallon Rez every 3 days or so. Is this normal?

HR I'm have a 50 gallon Rez flooding a 4x4 table canna nutrients a&b. my question is I've been running the tea for about a month now and my ph keep jumping up from 5.8 to 7.4 about every 24 hours. I don't have the cleer slime anymore just the brown slime from the tea. I add about one gallon to my 50 gallon Rez every 3 days or so. Is this normal?


To much tea bro... Try this

at the time of a new res add 1 gal for every 10 gals of res water and not to exceed 3gal of tea for 50gal.
after three days do a tea add back! Add 1cup for every ten gals, and dont add more than 3cups for 50gal.

and add every three there after. You are adding to much tea and that amount of good bactiria is spiking your
To much tea bro... Try this

at the time of a new res add 1 gal for every 10 gals of res water and not to exceed 3gal of tea for 50gal.
after three days do a tea add back! Add 1cup for every ten gals, and dont add more than 3cups for 50gal.

and add every three there after. You are adding to much tea and that amount of good bactiria is spiking your

Thank you my friend! You're a life saver.
Sounds good bro. I just cleaned everything up today. I only have about a week left before harvest so I might just not even add the tea and kinda see what happens. Unless you think I should add it?

hey guys, really doing great with e&g and rockwool. Had my best harvest in 2 years last week :). Big thanks to HR and everyone here.

just had a large outbreak of fungus gnats. I have been doing preventative maintenance with the mosquito bits where i would sprinkle them on top of the rockwool and then top-feed. This has been working great for 2-3 months, but this past week the yellow cards have trapped at least 30 fliers. Any suggestions on system tweaks?
My thoughts:
-raise the buckets a coupe more inches. Will help dry out the top few inches of rockwool, but rockwool has powerful wicking action.
-add 1-2 inch of hydroton to the top of each bucket. Will stay dry and hurt the gnats prime breeding grounds.
-possible use of nematodes
I ahven't had good luck with the nematodes. My favorite is hydroton and diotomaceous earth. If you can keep the hydroton dry, coat it with DE and your problem is DONE! they can crawl through the DE without getting cut to shreds

Best shit i have found for gnats is thanotos shit 100% organic and it melts them! And i say melts cause you
can watch it melt them to nothing lol

great to hear shits working out for you!