helo from uk

i live in england and am looking for the perfect plant to grow outdoors here during our not so sunny summer

and hopefully creating a grow box for the near future .

at the momment i am testing a few plants and hopefully learning from my mistakes and other peoples .

i have researched for over two months now about diffrent types of plants,seed banks and ways of growing ,fretilizers ,harvesting
what to do and what not to do ..
and overall conclusion is its not as easy as just watering a plant everything has got to be near perfect
and anything that goes wrong most of the time can be fixed but with a cost usualy overall harvest
ive read four books and watched hundreds of documentaries and ive been growing for over a month now pics coming soon



Well-Known Member
Lol i know how to roll it is a post title like once you get a certain number it changes that is the next title that you will get after stranger.
Hi I am also in the UK
At the moment I have KC Brains Mango and Dutch Passion Holland Hope both growing outside.
out of 20 seeds only one mango did not germ.
The are all doing realy well.