HELP!!!!1 risk of being found out!!!


Active Member
Got home today to find out my boiler has broke down and my misses has foned in for a repair, there coming out tomorrow morning some time, thing is, i have my female in there, i'd say about 50% of the hairs have turned, from the pics i put up people said about 3 weeks till harvest that was 2 weeks ago. I have nowhere else to put her due to power suplly points and they will need to go to every room to bleed the rads after!!!!!! am i doing wrong if i cut her down now?????i can hide her in a box for a couple of hours till i get homethe can hang her back in the boiler room in the dark?????? help me please guys:-?


Got home today to find out my boiler has broke down and my misses has foned in for a repair, there coming out tomorrow morning some time, thing is, i have my female in there, i'd say about 50% of the hairs have turned, from the pics i put up people said about 3 weeks till harvest that was 2 weeks ago. I have nowhere else to put her due to power suplly points and they will need to go to every room to bleed the rads after!!!!!! am i doing wrong if i cut her down now?????i can hide her in a box for a couple of hours till i get homethe can hang her back in the boiler room in the dark?????? help me please guys:-?

Can you just call the repair guys, tell them something has come up and just reschedule it for later?
at least till you harvest.


Active Member
no can do, its fucking cold here no heating and 4 kids under theage of 8. cant put her in my glass house, top temp today has been 3c


Well-Known Member
if you only have a week to go i would just hide her the stress that occurs from the move and light problem shouldnt be enough ti fuck anything up...and at worst it went hemi you shouldnt have to worry about seed since there wouldnt be enough time to produce them...


Well-Known Member
i'd say your safest bet is put her in a closet (where theres no vents or any reason for him to go in) cover her with a box (that'd work) and hide the box making it so if it's in his way he doesn't move it

but i've also met guys that work on places and smoke up all the time
the guy really only has right to the rooms with vents he can't check your place for anything else and the chances he will are slim he's a professional and shouldn't be going in rooms he shouldn't (is anyone going to be home to greet the guy?) cause if you or your wife are home then you can direct him to the right places


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it. I worked in construction for years, and II never met anybody on the job that minded weed, even if they don't partake themselves. Just stick her in a closet, they shouldn't be there more than a few hours if that anyways.


Well-Known Member
Lol. I wouldn't sweat it at all. I had the same thing happen to me. I was a week away from chopping and boxed up the plant for 3 days. Zero problems. I chopped the next week. Some folks purposly put there plants into a dark period for a few days before harvest.


Active Member
i'm growing a roadrunner autoflower, the yield is fantastic, would chopping her 5 days earlier that i wanted to have much effect on anything?????


Well-Known Member
Probably not much at 5 days, but how do you know that they are really gonna finish in 5 days and not 10?


Well-Known Member
Got home today to find out my boiler has broke down and my misses has foned in for a repair, there coming out tomorrow morning some time, thing is, i have my female in there, i'd say about 50% of the hairs have turned, from the pics i put up people said about 3 weeks till harvest that was 2 weeks ago. I have nowhere else to put her due to power suplly points and they will need to go to every room to bleed the rads after!!!!!! am i doing wrong if i cut her down now?????i can hide her in a box for a couple of hours till i get homethe can hang her back in the boiler room in the dark?????? help me please guys:-?
You have one autoflower and you can't figure out what to do with it? Rent a moving van and put it in there. Or box it up and put a CFL in it and make sure the light doesn't leak. You will only need to hide it for a couple of hours so you should be able to figure something out. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
And this is another reason why its a bad idea to try to tap into your furnace or hot water heater for heat or CO2 supplementation.


bud bootlegger
yah, if its only one auto, i would just get a nice sized box that she will fit into nicely and throw some crap on top of the box like your dirty drawers or the wife's undies and make it look like its like a hamper or whatever.. if the hours she is in the box don't coincide with her dark hours, i wouldn't sweat it too much, i think it should be fine, and like someone else has already said, if she does hermie this late in the game, not much is gonna happen seed wise..
or you could always just chop her if you can see what the trics look like and she looks like she is pretty close to being done, just chop her..