Help 1st grow, ugly color and lot of burns

hi guys! im new to the forum and new to growing, and this is just my first grow ever!

im growing in soil (a heavy fertelized one, kinda like all mix) and i just transplanted mny babies to 2 gal pots to flower, almost 3 weeks ago... they showed first pistils 5 days ago and are like 2 weeks into 12/12.... i mixes some guano in the soil plus perlite for aeration, and i had some problems with slight nute burn in veg using this soil..

i had some problems ith heat too but now they are gone (steady 75F)... i water with 6,5 ph and the run off of the soil was 5,6 last week have to check now ...they show some burns man! this pics are from 3 days ago and it is getting worse ! what do u think it is ??? please help i've spent a lot of cash in this adventure...


benny bear

Active Member
i would flush with straight water, wait a couple of days and see if any more leaves start to burn, if so u have a soil problem. (call in the doctor ) since your not useing any synthic nuts, its going to be hard to flush out any extra fertillizer. very carefully remove plant from container,( have to cut container) remove as much soil as you can with out damaging the root system. carefully rinse off roots, and re plant. i would copy someone else soil mix that might be growing the same strain, if not use a soil with no fert and add when the babbies are ready, they are strong and can take about anything they will show major signs of distress, just keep at it, ive ripped root systems in half and had them still servive. or u can wait it out and use water and see what happens,it seems your new top growth is haveing no problem. they do look beatiful, good luck


Well-Known Member
if soil was fertil why add more nitrugen replant with different mix quick or you mite not be happy very much longer because i not sure if you can flush it good enough to stop the process
thanks for the help guys. i will buy some dolomite and give em some for the ph and for the cal mag as well thanks! even though just a question: is the ph run off a big deal in soil ? coz i've heard that it doesn't give a clear sign of what the soil ph is, regardless my feeling is that it is too low anyways..

the guano NPK is 1-10-3 so im not giving them more N.. they can be stressing to the hot mixture of P and K, but it seems that they might need some N soon no ?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
top dress with a little lime(1/2 - 1 tsp.), your run off ph is low.
^^ listen to this gentleman and scholar.

acid burn homey.

if you cannot find Lime, mix 2 tablespoons of ordinary kitchen baking soda into a quart of water, till fully dissolved, for each plant, then flush with clean water, sending about 2 gallons down to waste per plant, and dont water for about 3 days, then water normally.

and cut back on your fertilizers.
^^ listen to this gentleman and scholar.

acid burn homey.

if you cannot find Lime, mix 2 tablespoons of ordinary kitchen baking soda into a quart of water, till fully dissolved, for each plant, then flush with clean water, sending about 2 gallons down to waste per plant, and dont water for about 3 days, then water normally.

and cut back on your fertilizers.
gonna do that man! just got to wait to the soil to get dry so they can get their O2 !