HELP! 1st time grow black weed

PDX Blaze

Active Member
So I think I may have over fertilized but I'm not sure. not good at explanations, but I know it's supposed to be "God Bud" or something. Any comments or suggestions would be helpful.



Well-Known Member
It could be the strain. What type of strain is it and where did you get it from? There is a black velvet strain that grows really dark.


New Member
hey man what kind of nutes you using. it may be turning purple either because of the strain or nitrogen deficiency. its ok tho since you really dont need that much N during the last stages of flowering. plants look good check mine out

PDX Blaze

Active Member
It's a clone from the local NORML meeting. First timers get dibs on clones for the day. It had a stick w/ "God Bud" on it. It's my first time growing, I think they have another two weeks or so, I'm not quite sure. I know I'm supposed to look at tricombs, but I don't have a magnifying glass.