HELP! 1st time grower doesnt know if its male,female,or hermie!

wusup kinda new to this so be patient with me.this is my very first post too..woot woot lol but neways i have two plants growin from seed that i got from my grandpa.not sure wat exact strain they are but i think theyre jus regular skunk.they smell delicious.theyre in theyre 2nd week of flowering and are healthy as hell.i made sure i did my research before i startd to do evrything rite.or so i thot :/ my tallest plant is about 2 1/2 feet now but now idk if its a female or not!! it had already startd to show white hairs poppin out the top before i put it on 12/ theres a bunch of white hairs n little buds but now idk if theyre buds! theyre startin to look like little balls but the white hairs are still there.n wen i checkd on em this morning wen i got home.sum off the little balls kinda opend/bloomed typa idk wtf tha deal is..thinkin maybe a hermie? please any feedback would help...especially from you experienced mofos:weed: lol....sorry the pics are shitty as hell..need a bettr camera..



Well-Known Member
your pictures are pretty shity but from the looks of them Im sorry to tell you it looks like a male.
thnks evryone..n yea ill try to get sum bettr pics up n thanks shawty fo tha comparison..but it has both!!! lol thats y i think its a hermie :/ but shuld i still keep it to get seeds?? cas i have none at the moment n it seems to be a pretty gud strain from wat i can its free so :mrgreen:...n i if i grow it to its full potential itll get pretty big n then ill have MORE trimmings for hash n watnot..jus sum thots..get bak to me