Help !! 1st time trying to do my own Cuttings


,i have taken 12 cuttings from a healthy mother plant and put then into rockwell cubes and put them into a heated propagator ,for the 1st 2 days the cuttings leaves were getting burnt because the light was too close but i have now lifted it and it has been day 5 so far and the cuttings are still droopy.after 9 days i decided to pull 1 out of the rockwell it it looked like this ?? any advice would be very greatfulphoto(2).jpg
those are roots put them back for another week they should be fine usuallly takes 10-12 days to sprout out the bottom of rockwool assuming conditions are right

Active Member
Did u dip the cutting ??? This helps, leave in prop good 12 days and gradually prob the lid open getting every other day gettin them hardy ...... This worked for me I got 70 out of 80 to to grow again now 2ft high and startin to flower them on week 3


Active Member
aye. those are roots.

ive never had great luck cloning in rockwool. but i have learned that they root faster with lower light levels.


Active Member
I would try raising the temp and humidity to 24-26 c and 70-80 rh...with low light that should speed things up. Next time.


is that how its suppose to look?or 2 others i have roots and the tip was black as if its died if im correct?others have roots but the leaves are still droopy ..i do use a 125 watt blue light if that helps