help 1week and NEED HELP PLZ


Well-Known Member
I got my blueberry dutch passion FErmeniz and bubblious and afgainan I got pic just need advice i got a 400 watt hps and im wondering when i can start using it. JUST PLZ give advice some 1 week old seedlings are dieing and haven'ted done anything wrong. I Used worm casting and organic forest soil mix . 6.5 ph water every time i let it dry good... I plz give quick advice. I got lots of pics.



Well-Known Member
I need advice about if i could start using my 400 watt hps on thos Baby and if u guys think there comingo out alright??? PLZ THIS IS MY SECOND grow i got some blueberry bubblious and agfainan so i really NEED THIS TO WORKK OUT PLZ HELP Me.....


Well-Known Member
i didnt look at the pics yet. but a 400 watt for lil babies like that need to be as high away as you can get it... a 20W flourescent would be perfect if you dont need to run the 400w...

ehh. maybe 2, 20W floros... but naa.. the heat aint the issue.. its too much light... its a weed. it grows from being in the shadows of trees, taller plants, etc.. you need minimu light when seedling or clones.. same difference.. Pe@ce...


Well-Known Member
why wouldnt you use it..? just be sure to keep it far enough away that heat is not an issue.


Well-Known Member
Can i get some advice that is usefull. im not really a noob at this i got everything i need . PLZ get advice on anything that u might think im doing wrong i got a fan i try giving 24hours a day of light toooo if thats the problem plz tell me.


Well-Known Member
24 hours of light isnt a problem, it just wont develop roots as fast/ ass much. like i said though man. if my info is unwanted. then dont use it. im just goin by your pics.. Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
oh, and you want to start using it when they have 2-4 sets of true leafe's.... but thats useless info.. Pe@ce.....................................


Well-Known Member
IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT U GUYS THINK BECAUSE I JUST wANT To know when to use that 400 watt hps about a week and a half old so and info i gave asmany pics i could.. U THINK THAT DIEING BUBBLEIOUS plant is going to livE???????


Well-Known Member

thx for the help bro ill take any advice i got a little experence i just want my blueberry (f) to LIVE and i will clone i just want to know what u guys think of those guys and anything i can change????


Well-Known Member
aight man, im gonna spit a long spiel of what I think you could do..... if you dont already get some fresh air getting to the ladies somehow.. could be a vent fan or even a window fan in the room.. then you want to put a fan blowing very lightly on the plants. it helps circulate the heat, get fresh air to the plant... this early on just a light breeze on um..... then ide mist them with just distilld water mayb 3-4 times aday too keep your humidity up above 40%.. youl notice when they get bigger that the humidity will stay higher because there more surface area of plant to air.. so later on you might just foliar spray to do some light feeding.....after all there get your plants vegged out to have 2-4 true sets of leaves like i said before. then throw the 400W on um and youl notice a big difference... around weeks 3 and 4 is when the 400W will do its thang.... but i hope this helped. if not i can spit some more knowledge. lol Pe@ce.. man...


Well-Known Member
yea you could do that, and if you wan to, later on you when they get bigger. you can put um under the side branches. give the underneath of the leafes some light...Pe@cem mang..


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat as you except i'm using a propagation dome for now since my cloning and veg room is still be made as we speak. ( odd how i made the largest rooms first) My plants just hit 13 days today. The grow was slow for the first 5 days and now are doing good. I will be using a 400w MH for my veg. I don't veg until around 12-18 inches tall. I have the room for the extra height not too sure what your room sizes are. Using a MH on such young plants is asking for problems with Humidity and soil wetness. I would waiting until day week 3 or 4 to start using the MH. Hope this helps alittle bit.


Active Member
Can i get some advice that is usefull. im not really a noob at this i got everything i need . PLZ get advice on anything that u might think im doing wrong i got a fan i try giving 24hours a day of light toooo if thats the problem plz tell me.
get them under that 400hps.
i started the same as YOU,, the moment my 400hps showed up,,,under they went,,
and wham,,,,1 -1 1/2 inch per day!
24 inch above the tops should prevent any burn,,plus hps doesnt put out all that much heat anyway.
hps is best for flowering, not veg,,, but if you got it USE IT!
first grow here,, and been lucky enough to get all the advice a newbie needs, from this forum.
good luck,, and go look at my albums on my home page if you dont trust me.


Well-Known Member
thxs for the advice my leafs are starting to get yellow speices on them the new ones comein look fine but looks like all the older lefts are dieing im using wormcastings and i hurd thats the best stuff..??