HELP! 2 1000w in 10x10 tent Enough Light??!??


I have a 10x10 tent. Looks like ill only be able to put 2 1000whps lights in there. Is that enough light for 20 plants in 7g buckets?? Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
even though I am bias to any HID's above 600 watts... I would say yes you are fine with that as long as you can afford your electricity handle that shit the plants right under the light will obviously be more better off then any on the outer edges. Try to research a growing method that allows you to yield as much as you possibly can don't be a plug and watcher science is the key!!


thanks for the replies! Im oing to do a test run with 10-12 under the lights... I would use light movers but dont have the resources right now too. maybe in a few months:)