Help 2 weeks in!!!



  • So this is my first grow Im using 2 Cfl's each at 65 watts so about 130 watts and Im on a 24 hr light schedule been watering about every other day. Its a blue hash strain in organic mix soil. I planted about 2 weeks and a day ago, after I germinated it. It looks really small and the tips of the first nodes are brown I'm not sure what is going on and I'm nervous I screwed something up Here are some pics please help it'd be greatly appreciated!​


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If that is miracle grow organic, it could have time release nutes in it that is causing the burn.

Just don't over water and ride it out.

Are those 65 watt equivelent or 65 actual watts?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I have seen people grow in time released nutes just fine. You will have some slight burning throughout the grow tho.

Just make sure not to water until the soil is dry up to your second knuckle.

60 equiv is barely anything.

You want the bulbs that say 100w equiv. Get yourself some 6500k temp bulbs.

It will be 23/26w true watts.

Always look at actual wattage when adding the watts of your grow.


Active Member
Flaming Pie has it right. I agree. It looks like nute burn from those pictures maybe to high of steghten for seedlings but I am no expert. I am doing a hydro grow and am 2.3 weeks in. I need some help with my plants also.