help! 3 week olds are hurting.. have pics


Active Member
within the past week there has been a problem occuring. the tips of the leaves are turning brown, then the leaves turn yellow, and slowly dry up.. its only the bottom leaves that are doing this the top seems to be healthy. checked the ph of the soil today for the first time and it was around 7.0 ... temps at 70 and im using schultz potting soil with plant food. watering when plants are dry. there under T 8 4' floro's.



Well-Known Member
that soil is probably too 'hot' with nutes, compounded by overwatering. u have proper drainage for runoff in thos cups?


Active Member
that soil is probably too 'hot' with nutes, compounded by overwatering. u have proper drainage for runoff in thos cups?
there is holes in the bottom of the cups that allows the water to run out of them.. at first i watered them every 2 days but now i just leave them till the soil is dry. i agree that its something to do with the soil.. whats the best thing to do?


Well-Known Member
they could deffentily use a transplant, try putting them in a larger pot
that could be why the lower leaves are wilting


Active Member
how big of pots do i need to get them into.. i have a feeling its the nutes from the soil im using also because i have 6 that were in the 16 oz cups with organic soil then i transplanted them into bigger pots and used the schultz soil and now the big plants after a week are starting to turn yellow on the bottom leaves a bit to but not as bad as the smaller ones.


Active Member
I did dirt and when I adjusted the water PH to 5.5 to 6.5 it made the difference. Your potting soil should be good with nutes for a while and the plants should flourish under proper conditions before you have to add more nutrients. If your not giving them nutrients then you are over watering or the water's ph needs adjusting.


Active Member
I did dirt and when I adjusted the water PH to 5.5 to 6.5 it made the difference. Your potting soil should be good with nutes for a while and the plants should flourish under proper conditions before you have to add more nutrients. If your not giving them nutrients then you are over watering or the water's ph needs adjusting.
alright ill get a tester for my water and see what its ph is at... whats the easiest way of adjusting your waters ph if i need to? if i were to just buy bottled water from walmart would it be fine or with any water the ph needs to be tested?


Well-Known Member
easy ph ajusting is malt vinegar from you local buget shop for a few pennies works perfect have used it for a few years

your wanting around 6.5 also try mixing perlite/vermiculite in your soil next time or befor you transplant to help the roots get air and make sure the soil doesnt get to compact when it is wet and suffocate the roots also throw something round the cups to block the light the roots will love you for it as there not a fan of light

is there any nutrients in the soil when you bought it some potting soils have got em so when you water em and give em more you can over fert em and cause em to wilt

if you have a ph problem the leaf will go pale yellow and the stem will lose its color too

you should always test your ph as if it is not right you can damage yur plant and cause it to lock up and stop taking up water and nutes as well as they should

you can get ph tester kits for pennies on the web from any aquatics websites and stores and a few garden centers

as for the pot sizes you are looking for a deeper rater than wider pot as the roots tend to grow better downwards than outwards imo
the bigger the pots the less times you will have to feed em also make shure that the soil is slightly moist as the roots wont grow in dry spots some people go for the first few inches of topsoil dry then feed

this might not make to much sence as i am usualy only on here after a smoke

just loads of random info there hope some of it helps


Active Member
alright i will do that and transplant them soon into soil with perlite.. im going to buy organic dirt as well with no nutes in it. Would it be bad to flush this dirty without perlite in it? would it cause the roots to suffocate?? Thanks for your help everyone


Active Member
First forget all this fox farm special soil this ,special soil that.Go with Sunsghine #4 or Pro mix .Don,t add a thing and the plants will do fine.For the first 2-3 weeks don't nute,If they are really doing well then nute at a .25% of what is needed.Warm water only.Air flow and good lighting and you will be good to go.All this do this do that on here confuses new growers and this throwing in little cups is bs also.After seed shows tap root throw it directly in 3 gallon bags and leave it alone.Tooo many steps and you risk making your plants ill.Peacebongsmilie