help 3 weeks of high temps and my chem dog doesnt smell nearly as potent


hello j420 man here i have a problem ive been growing chem dog for 1 1/2 years now and it was always the most overpowering smelling pot and this summer my bloom room was hitting temps of 88-90 during lights on i have since started using an ac and its 78 in there for the last two weeks but they dont smell strong at all my cherry ak plants are fine but my chem just isnt there and they are usually ready at 63-65 days since ive been growing it but i'm at 66 days and no amber so i was wondering if it was the heat that did it if any one here has an idea i would appreciate it i'm a very experienced medical grower and this is the first time this has happened by the way thanks


Active Member
I refuse to help anyone who doesn't take the fucking time to put FUCKING PERIODS in their sentences. So god damn annoying. This is the only forum I've seen that has loads of people with the worst fucking punctuation on the planet. I just don't understand why it's so hard to put a simple period at the end of a sentence. Every time I read a post the way yours is written, all I can think is, what a fucking RETARD.


i don't need your help . period i need some one who has experience on this sight . period i'm stoned i grow great meds thats why i'm lazy . period same as a lot of people on this sight . period now please i make my living at this in denver and this is a serious problem. period i dont need help from someone who joined 3 months ago just to talk shit. period any real grower have some insight i would appreciate it . period 8)


no shit ya know its the fucking punctuate police get a fucking life and a bowl 8) anyone have any comments on my problem though ?

Gary Busey

New Member
I refuse to help anyone who doesn't take the fucking time to put FUCKING PERIODS in their sentences. So god damn annoying. This is the only forum I've seen that has loads of people with the worst fucking punctuation on the planet. I just don't understand why it's so hard to put a simple period at the end of a sentence. Every time I read a post the way yours is written, all I can think is, what a fucking RETARD.
I prefer the lack of periods over the misuse of their, there, and they're. Then there's the your and you're. For some reason that really bothers me. I'll still help when I can though. This isn't a grammar contest, it's a weed forum.

hello j420 man here i have a problem ive been growing chem dog for 1 1/2 years now and it was always the most overpowering smelling pot and this summer my bloom room was hitting temps of 88-90 during lights on i have since started using an ac and its 78 in there for the last two weeks but they dont smell strong at all my cherry ak plants are fine but my chem just isnt there and they are usually ready at 63-65 days since ive been growing it but i'm at 66 days and no amber so i was wondering if it was the heat that did it if any one here has an idea i would appreciate it i'm a very experienced medical grower and this is the first time this has happened by the way thanks
You seem to have your temps under control... besides that, are the plants looking healthy otherwise lacking smell?


Well-Known Member
I refuse to help anyone who doesn't take the fucking time to put FUCKING PERIODS in their sentences. So god damn annoying. This is the only forum I've seen that has loads of people with the worst fucking punctuation on the planet. I just don't understand why it's so hard to put a simple period at the end of a sentence. Every time I read a post the way yours is written, all I can think is, what a fucking RETARD.
Personal attacks violate the rules. Complaining about not putting periods is alright but you really need to tone down the aggression. If you dont like it here you are free to leave, no one is making you stay here. just like nobody forced you to read this thread. if you didnt want to answer you could just hit the back button, no need for you to just bash somebody and not address the topic at hand.

i've kind of noticed plants doing similar things(no/weak smell and slower growth/maturation) with high temps, but not at the 88-90 range. thats where my temps usually stay. I consider high temps around 95f or above. I wouldnt worry about it since you got the temps under control now.


alright thanks i'll wait till they amber and cut and hope for the best. my cherry ak is fine so it could be the strain hates temps in that range. i'm just worried about bag appeal ya know 8) thanks for explaining the concept of not being an ass clown to trian 79. i didnt think the temps were that insane not great but not that bad 8). i woke up this morning and the whole grow smelled like chem dog. i'm thinking they stressed a little and thats why there taking longer .they always stink if i touch a bud with my fingers and smell them 8)