Well-Known Member
I would agree you are probley right with your narrowed down thoughts on what it could be. As you said you are a first time grower and you trans planted root bound plants and was it after you transplanted them they got worse? Also i try to only have to transplant each plant only once, yet i think your proble is a slight nutrient deficiency. I also skipped using a PH Tester for years until we had a devastated veg and i couldnt figure it out? With total organics i had unkowingly been using clorinated water! Big Oops! I would alos use epsom salt but would also recomend a ph tester as there are kits that are pretty good and cheap. As you are only using a 250 i would bet a sllight nute deficiency and a bit of stress for double trans and root bound second trans. I dont believe your problem will get worse make sure your water is pure h20 and if need be give a quick flush and then start the nutes back up i didnt see you used miracle grow potting soil and that leads me to believe as first time grower you probley take pretty good care and sometimes can over do it as it does seem they may have been over hit with nutes even though scaled back never grow with miracle grow and miracle grow is not organic so be careful and next time go with something easier for a beginer and use roots or foxfarm as a base for flowering and keep your nutriens simple. Although i will also say that your plants have a strong root system and will continue to grow and the fresh growth is your sign to tell if the problemss getting beter or worse. Pull the remaining and most infected fan leaves to give more direct light to the botom branches. Just a few ideas to help then wont stress plant anymore by it trying to rebuild the health of unneccessary leaves. None of my recomendations are a must and i agree you may wanna add cal/mag lighltly but dont over do it they seem like they will pull threw just perfectly! Well done for a beginer! If you have any questions PM me any time. Also as stated try to keep on a consistant feeding schedual and as said check soils moisture befor watering at any time. I think you will be fine its a nice coctail and i would go light on some and go with the cal/mag and pk asMiraclegrow takes along time to be nute deficient so over nuting can happen easily Keep an eye on things and just Keep it Simple. Peace, SENSI/ SORRY I CAN RAMBLE SOMETIMES!
Hi Sensi,
Thanks for dropin by, I only transplanted after they got lime and droopy/burnt tips. Thought it was from root bound, but now im just thinking they were hungry.