Help! 600W HPS running at 90F+ With 4" Extractor!


Obviously this temp is way too much, am trying to work out the best way to fix it.

I've got a 4" inline extractor fan (187 m3/h) running via a filter with passive intakes in a 4x4' DS tent.

There is no outside intake but the room the tent is in is well ventilated and about 60F.
Have seen a lot of grows without an outside intake so didn't think this would be a big deal.

Is this a normal situation? Is my fan crap or just not big enough?
What's the most effective thing to do in this situation?


Well-Known Member
Obviously this temp is way too much, am trying to work out the best way to fix it.

I've got a 4" inline extractor fan (187 m3/h) running via a filter with passive intakes in a 4x4' DS tent.

There is no outside intake but the room the tent is in is well ventilated and about 60F.
Have seen a lot of grows without an outside intake so didn't think this would be a big deal.

Is this a normal situation? Is my fan crap or just not big enough?
What's the most effective thing to do in this situation?
Get a bigger fan, I have a 6inch temp controlled fan and cool hood for my 600w HPS


Hey thanks, seems your setup is VERY similar to mine, except for my lack of venting. Do you have airflow coming from outside? If not what's the room temp outside the tent?


Wow so my airflow needs to be 3 or 4 times bigger? Shit this could get expensive (and noisy!). Maybe downgrading to a 400W would be more suitable for me.


Cheers, will need a new filter for a bigger fan though, the whole lot came as a kit (thought it would work together as a result!).
So cost won't be much different, am more concerned about noise.


Unfortunately the filter will only work up to a certain airflow, it won't do the job at 400cfm :(

Thanks Frog, that looks cool (snarf snarf), is it loud?


Well-Known Member
I would imagine that his old filter wouldn't be rated for the higher CFM's of the new fan leading to odor leaks, especially if you go with a H.O. 6' vortex which is over 400 CFM. I have a 6 inch vortex and 400W in a cabinet HxWxD 95 1/2in x 42 1/8 x 24 1/8 in a room with ambient temps at 65. With a variable temp day/night controller on the fan it hardly ever runs I am hoping that my added veg cabinet will help make enough heat to keep everything right around 76.

Hope this helps with something...


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the filter will only work up to a certain airflow, it won't do the job at 400cfm :(

Thanks Frog, that looks cool (snarf snarf), is it loud?
It is loud at first, but I don't really have anything to compare it to. I actually have two of them running, and exhausting into the attic. I can't keep my temps high enough honestly. I need a CAP controller. The thing I found loud was the area it exhausted from (like the end of the tubing.). Beyond that the sound was coming from the motor.


Well-Known Member
I'd upgrade to a 6" in-line fan, and add a 'fan speed controller' or a 7" or 8" in-line fan and run it slower with the fan speed controller :) and either a cooltube or an air-cooled hood.......Sun Systems do some good air-cooled reflectors. - STELTHY :leaf:


Got an input fan running pointing right at the bambinos and temps are steady around 80.
It aint quiet but it was cheap and it's working!
Gonna try running duct in from the chimney for extra freshness, hopefully the distance won't fuck with the cfm too much.
Niceone Mastiff n Dizzle.


Active Member
have you tried a 4" fan drawing air in, even a inline duct booster fan, i know they only 80cfm, but it helped with my temps.
That's what I do. I have an inline booster fan that's hooked up to a cheap little controller that pulls in outside air whenever the temp get's over 82. I'm not sure if they make those fans for 4" but they're only like $17-25 at home depot for a 6"

Plus as everyone else said... Get a larger 400+ cfm fan for pulling the heat out of a vented hood, I suggest not getting the blue eco supreme fans as they loose effectiveness after a few hard bends in the ducting. You can also add a fan speed controller "speedster" so you can turn the fan down a bit. There's a pretty noticable difference in sound between 3/4 power and full power. I'm guessing with a little air in you won't need full power on the outtake to do the job.

You could try a duct muffler, and insulate your ducting to try to reduce noise if that's a concern. I just added a duct muffler/silencer today, but haven't checked the sound where the air comes out to see if it was worth it yet.


I guess i should read all the posts 1st, you have it handled :)
