help a brother out PLEASE!!!!!


Active Member
This is my first grow.I started my plants off in Scott's hyponex soil. My plants were showing signs of magnesium deficiency so I transplanted into better soil. (ocean Forrest) now the leaves appear to be burning. I tried flushing the soil sunday and again tonight. Looks like the burning has stopped progressing but now one of my plants seems to be drooping i'm guessing from being overwatered. Red pots are Master Kush. Yellow is NL. Two big ones are 3 weeks into veg. The smaller one is almost 2 weeks in. the Half and Half pic are the older two about a week and a half ago before any of the problems occured. Is there anything else I can do? Help please.i need advice badly. Don't wanna lose my girls bc i went through a lot just to get to this point and can't afford to start over bc of time. the ONLY bright side I can see is that even though they looked FUCKED, they have experienced a spike in growth since i changed soil



Rebel From The North
Ffof isnt better soil its loaded with stuff! That can burn your plants.
hope your not feeding nutes on top of your soil?


Well-Known Member
sounds like you answered your own questions in your first post Pblay. just wait it out now and wait untill soil is completly dry befor your next watering..


Active Member
growing in soil is like judging a presidency
you don't know how they've reacted to this watering until another 1 or 2 have passed
STOP flushing ocean forest - ph to a good solid 7 your first few waterings in ffof
that miracle grow is prenuted with semi dissolved chem ferts which activate each time they are saturated
you're feeding your plants each time you water
moreover, it's primarily readily available nitrogen that's in it
that's what's got your leaves brown and literally crispy
i read somewhere about putting a taablespoon of sugar in your water to deactivate ammonium nitrate in soil but idk
chill - they'll over come
of course, by then you'll be phosphorous deficient lol
gl hf