Help a brother with a strain choice?

Yeah I laughed too. Start with a 5 pack of seeds for breeding. :clap::clap:
Why isn't that OK? I've done it

The reason I say they are garbage, is that they are always not accepting certain cards, or always changing their policies. Out of the handful of tries, I've only gotten one pack of seeds... Like I said I'd rather get hand me downs from friends or travel to a legal state to purchase seeds. It's worked better for me... Thought I'd clarify.
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After reading through the thread in its entirety, I had to laugh my ass off some...

Why laugh your ass off?


lol I should've checked page 2 first xD

Well the only way to get seeds without using mail would be to visit a seedbank in the Netherlands or Spain. Guess that would be possible but which seedbank then?

The funny thing is, back when I used to grow, everyone was shitting on Nirvana and their F2 copies.

Now it seems that Nirvana and others are considered "heirloom seedbanks" or sth because they just kept the same old F2 copies and refreshed the seeds regularly, so their aren't as many old seeds in circulation and their genes are stable because they didn't crossbreed everything to shits.

Also because they asked for more sensible prices and probably just sold more so they could turnover their stock, while other seedbanks like Spice of Life, Dutch Passion, etc. apparently did not do so...

Interesting situation...

The other 2 seedbanks I had an eye on that would be "in range" would be Nirvana and MSNL (marijuana seeds netherlands)...

MSNL also has a Blueberry that appears to be a "pure" F2 copy...

In general their selection seems good. But I suppose I would have similar success with the Bubblelicious from Nirvana ...

Don't know, PeakSeedsBC still seems like the frontrunner and I am waiting to see what they respond. Otherwise I am of course still open for suggestions/oppinions
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I laughed because initially I thought you wanted to know what kind of sativa dominant hybrids we preferred... I could read how stoned and confused I was.

It's called networking, and BTW no you can buy seeds in legal states... I may be a misinformed asshole, but my knowledge is practical... If I say its because I've done it. Not from reading forum threads from 2007

I would keep it stupid simple until you get the experience. I wouldn't blow a lot of greenbacks until your feet are wet. (Buy the 5packs dog!)

Why laugh your ass off?


lol I should've checked page 2 first xD

Well the only way to get seeds without using mail would be to visit a seedbank in the Netherlands or Spain. Guess that would be possible but which seedbank then?

The funny thing is, back when I used to grow, everyone was shitting on Nirvana and their F2 copies.

Now it seems that Nirvana and others are considered "heirloom seedbanks" or sth because they just kept the same old F2 copies and refreshed the seeds regularly, so their aren't as many old seeds in circulation and their genes are stable because they didn't crossbreed everything to shits.

Also because they asked for more sensible prices and probably just sold more so they could turnover their stock, while other seedbanks like Spice of Life, Dutch Passion, etc. apparently did not do so...

Interesting situation...

The other 2 seedbanks I had an eye on that would be "in range" would be Nirvana and MSNL (marijuana seeds netherlands)...

MSNL also has a Blueberry that appears to be a "pure" F2 copy...

In general their selection seems good. But I suppose I would have similar success with the Bubblelicious from Nirvana ...

Don't know, PeakSeedsBC still seems like the frontrunner and I am waiting to see what they respond. Otherwise I am of course still open for suggestions/oppinions
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didn't mean to be pricky. Was also baked, might have formulated poorly ...

I will check out what denver at al have to offer.

And I might be not so up to date and my experience is from quite a while back. But I don't have to grow Skunk or BigBud to start and get my first experiences either.

Shit aint rocket science, stuff is called "weed" for a reason. "Growing bud" is not really what I am after. I think I am ready for genetics and breeding and that fascinates me more.

So if I get back into "growing", I might as well set up right.
Otherwise I might find great phenotypes of for example fathers and can't keep their genetic material and just have to toss them because I am not equipped to harvest pollen and use it or keep the father plants without pollinating the females. That would be shit.

I might as well just buy 5 feminized seeds per grow and only focus on bud production (and saving Private Hermi) until I find a "perfect" mother of any of the strains I'm trying, which is not what I am about.
I'm not interested in commercial strains or "surefire production".

Even the AK 47 I was originally thinking about because of its reputation of being stable, sativa heavy and potent. Not really its production, which of course is nice, too.(and I might not have made that clear enough earlier... sometimes it's hard to communicate with just text xD )

The C99 is the new frontrunner mainly because it is a sativa-heavy hybrid that is also associated with a fruity taste/smell and sativa-heavy. Its growth properties are also insane.

My oppinion is that it doesn't hurt a gene pool if you have excellence in any way...
Just taking a stab here at combinations of reported genetic properties and am pretty pleased to have found a reputable seedbank in peakseedsBC that has a combination of strains that I find promising.

I don't need much bud, it doesn't even have to be that insanely potent. I want special bud, good bud.

The color is just the cherry on top in all that. Most interested I am in Sativa-heavy and sweet smell/flavor/aroma.

With the set-up I have in mind, I might be able to get the best of all the traits I prefer in the long run.
And in the Short-Run have all the traits I am looking for, just spread across 2-3 strains (blueberry, C99, sweet skunk). Obviously if that just doesn't work out as I have in mind, I won't continue to buy the same seeds/strains but try out other ones...

I have heard, again, that my best bet at this point might actually be to start with a hybrid like Blue Satellite and inbreed the right phenotypes... That's why just buying a whole bunch of those "old beans" for a good price is still not completely off the table...

Either way, that should keep me busy for a couple of years and once I have these strains set up for breeding, I can look into other strains from other seedbanks. Maybe get something more pure like a landrace Thai or any good Sativa (fruity... color...). Grow that for a bit and do some backcrossing to stabilize my strains.

If they are stable, I could go the other rout and buy some of those "old" gene stocks and do some crossing with more "pure" variants (DJ's Blueberry or Serious/BOG Bubblegum) or some other great, fitting hybrids (such as SOL Blue Satellite).

But yeh, again, if it wasn't clear yet: This isn't going to be anything about supplying quanitity.
It will be very small scale, soil, organic, not too much with the nutes, I just plan to invest time :)
It is about breeding and finding that elusive strain... A coloration, fruity/sweet/bubblegum/berry flavor/aroma that can't be ignored or contested. With a potent, sativa-heavy effect.
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Haha my bad man. I tried to edit that first... Misread. You'll have to forgive me. I have to quit smoking for about two weeks for probation, and my PTSD is rocking this morning. I'm sensitive. Respect

Cool. C99 is fairly easy to find, if my memory serves me correctly. Breeding is awesome, but here is my point (I'll try and not sound like a prick) its perfectly fine to know what you like, and to have all those creative juices flowing, but don't get caught up in the brand names. Find some solid genetics, get a few solid mothers and just have fun. You never know how a cross bred strain will turn out. Once you get your breeding program up, shoot me some beans ;)
S'all good man. Still seems civilized nuff for me, so no worries ;)

Hope you get through that without a hitch. If you can keep handling it, like you did right there, you'll do fine, methinks.

But yeah, solid genetics is what I am after... But Purple Haze is dead afaik and afaik it also never had that overwhelming fruit/berry/bubblegum aroma.

Especially the sweet flavors/aromas (correct me if I am wrong), were discovered later in the Strains bread by DJ Short, Steve, Serious (I suppose for the sweet tasting bubblegum?) (who am I missing?).
So that would be the place to start, with the properties I am looking for. Or does anyone have a better suggestion? Again, I would love to know :D

Then again, I could just move further up the lineage and start with what I guess is called "landraces". In principle, the genetics are all in there, for Blueberry, Bubblegum, everything...

If I could get pure genetic landrace seeds...

Would be very interested if there is a seedbank for that with reputable landrace seeds/very pure strains. Probably doesn't exist though.

And in general I would assume that starting with landraces would take waaaaaay more time. I think crossing back with landraces later in is the better way to go, if I want to go that rout.

Open for oppinions though :)
Also. There are landrace strains available. Malawi, Thai, Mexican, and pure Afghan are available through attitude seedbanks.
DJ Short won't back his work up unless you bought from an approved source - meaning no where online.

PeakseedsBC is is better source for blueberry online. If you can get pickup packs in one of the States DJ sells them then perhaps go that route otherwise I'd get the knock off (excellent knock off).

I've seen/smoked the finished product. It's a very finicky bitch to grow. I'd also look for AK47 F2's again as Serious Seeds are Seriously overpriced.

You can get F2's from Hemp Depot for 25 bucks a pack. I have 3 for future use.

Any of Sannies The One Hybrids will provide you with high quality fruity funk as well. Sativa dom for Sugar Punch which is an incredible line you would probably love. Polyhybrid city but you'll find a winner in a 5 pack, probably more than one.