Help A girl out Please!!PICS ++rep


Well-Known Member
I use GoGnats, and it works really well. One of the hydroshops around here told me they had to take it off shelves recently because of a labeling issue, but that once they get that fixed it will be back on store shelves and will be the exact same product. You can still get it online though. Try they usually have good prices, and if you've bought over $250 worth of stuff from them, they'll ship it for free. I'm outside of Michigan, so I get to avoid the sales tax too. :)

Let us know if that works for you ok?


Active Member
i take that backk

LMAO why is that?? Because that is not what it is??

I know/ knew it wasnt nute burn. And since this post i have figured out the problem and they are doing way better.

Answer.. I Flushed. let sit for a week Then added Epsom salt ( 1 tbs per gl ) . gave each one of my plants 400ml of it. The leafs that were yellow died off and fell off but the new growth is green and the main stem is back to green aswell.

Thank you everyone..


Green Cross

Well-Known Member
LMAO why is that?? Because that is not what it is??

I know/ knew it wasnt nute burn. And since this post i have figured out the problem and they are doing way better.

Answer.. I Flushed. let sit for a week Then added Epsom salt ( 1 tbs per gl ) . gave each one of my plants 400ml of it. The leafs that were yellow died off and fell off but the new growth is green and the main stem is back to green aswell.

Thank you everyone..

If flushing fixed the problem; it was most likely nute burn. You use MG soil or pearlite?


Active Member
bottom two singe bladers are supposed to fall off and as far as the spots, ive had that problem when i was keeping my baby's in a humidity tent for a little to long the leafs would sweat and then stick to each other and rot little dots like yours i say more ventilation would be key. whats your humidity at?


Umm no it wasnt the problem. I had nute lock up.. Not nute burn.. when you only used nutes once and it was less then 1/8 the recommended amount..
I think your problem was nute burn and NOT nute lock up. If you ever get nute burn again I suggest you follow the same steps you just took but only sooner.

I hope this helps.