help a newbie , outdoor growing


hello to all , and thanks for making this place such a thriving one

i am a first time grower , located in Greece , plenty of sun and hot during summer and
growing in my balcony in plain mother natyre day/night ( so no forced light cycle )

i usually water my plants once in 2-3 day ( combination of 2 with 3 and vice versa ) . lately the leaves has some issues/mark/signs/scars

till now i havent used any nutrients but just tap water ( left for more than 24 hours in a tank ) with a Ph of 6.3 (i have a digital Ph meter )

please take a look at the attached photos and tell me what is the problem , also any tip/hint

P.S: i dont know what strain/seed type is this so someone providing ,if possible , what type of strain/seed type is this would be very grateful



New Member
try using neem oil.. spray sum on the tops and bottoms of every leaf... if it doesnt improve than it may or may not be over watering. Whats the pH of your water??


thanks to all , a friend said that it could be thrips and now spider mites .
can u share a link to a product that takes care for both on amazon/ebay ?



Well-Known Member
The silvery color looks like thrips They leave black poop un the underside of the leaves.