Help/Advice/Couple Questions


Active Member
So i own a weekend house up in the woods near wisconsin dells(18miles away) in a little town.

Im wondering if there is some way i could plant some buds down in the forest by this pond, the pond is a moist area, with the sun beaming down into it.

Would it be possible to grow there:?:

Also is nirvana-shop a reliable source for sum real THC mary J:?: if it is which bud wud be best for outdoor growing as well as with a high thc potiency:weed:
Too late to be planting outside now but that sounds as good a place as any.

Dont know about Nirvana, but KC Brains has some great outdoor strains at cheap prices, also sensi seeds has a good outdoor range.
Too late to be planting outside now but that sounds as good a place as any.

Dont know about Nirvana, but KC Brains has some great outdoor strains at cheap prices, also sensi seeds has a good outdoor range.

could you link me the site? or pm it