HELP!! Advice needed urgently lanlord found set up


Hi i just need some advice
i live in england (uk)I was renting out a house through an estate agents i have 1 month left on my tenancy and have been away for a few weeks and on return to find out the landlord has changed the locks and is living there herself and says u are no longer a tenant.
She claims ' i know what you have been doing in my house'
There is a major mould problem and she says its down to us doing u know what.
All that was in the house to do with cannabis was 4 grow tents (which wernt up), 34 empty pots stacked up, some plant feed, and black and white sheeting THAT IS ALL other than £90 on the electric meter. she has found all of this, and is calling the police do u know what will happen?


Well-Known Member
Without evidence to link it to cannabis growing you could have had a vegetable garden.




Well-Known Member
It's not illegal to have grow equipment, tell her to bash on and phone police, it's not illegal to grow chillies/peppers indoors. She's the one in the wrong for nit giving u the statutory time to leave the property and the right to reply to her suspicions. Get in there first and go and speak to C.A.B


Well-Known Member
yer tell yr landlord to kiss yr ass she cant do evidence like guys sed above.....u could of been growing anything .......give it a month and put a big fat house brick thru her


It's not illegal to have grow equipment, tell her to bash on and phone police, it's not illegal to grow chillies/peppers indoors. She's the one in the wrong for nit giving u the statutory time to leave the property and the right to reply to her suspicions. Get in there first and go and speak to C.A.B
Hi thanks for all replies i forgot there are also a few leaves but not many, probably rotted and brown by now, all crispy non would have thc on as they are just fan leaves, would this make any difference?


Well-Known Member
tbh dude.....I wouldn't worry I think the police wouldn't aist there time paperwork ect ect on that even if they did......I think all u would get is a telling off.....get a new place broooooooooo get yr grow going again......


tbh dude.....I wouldn't worry I think the police wouldn't aist there time paperwork ect ect on that even if they did......I think all u would get is a telling off.....get a new place broooooooooo get yr grow going again......
Thanks for your reply, i hope your right! got a new place sorted now


Well-Known Member
A few rotten leafs isn't enough evidence. Chances are the police would be after an active grow rather than waste time building a case to prove you WERE growing. Its just to much hassle to prove their from a grow you were managing. If you told them you bought the tents second hand and the leafs were in one of the tents it would be a nightmare trying to prove otherwise. They need evidence thatbproves beyond all reasonable doubt that you were producing mj


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your reply, i hope your right! got a new place sorted now
Leaves/stems are evidence that growing has been done.

Link that with finger prints on the equipment and the tenancy agreement and they got you.

However they probably would just tell you off.


They will more than likely keep your equipment as its been used for cultivation.



Well-Known Member
yer as jodamon sed.......I think yr setup mite be lost......and as other dude on here sed the leafs could of been in there when you brought them ect ect......just use your head.....


Well-Known Member
I don't know what the law is over there.
If it was here,I would not worry,I would move it.
The law here does about how they want to,but money changes things.


New Member
Well...HMMM..first you say NOTHING at all, now a few brown leaves...are we getting the hole story? Its pretty hard to convict with no evidence of cannabis. If she has moved in before your contract was done then I would take her to court.


Not sure of the law, but was she legally allowed to enter YOUR place without concent? Check your lease, if she can't nothing can be done if i'm correct because she would have illegaly broke contract and entered without your permission.


Well-Known Member
here, like said above, landlord MUST give written and verbal notice 24hrs in advance when needing to enter into premesis. they they MUST go thru the court system to evict a tennant if tennant refuses to vacate. which can take from 30-120 days, alot of paperwork, trips back and fourth to the court house, then a visit from the sherrifs office with the final evict in 24hrs notice. i woudl take your landlord to small claims court to get any and all personal effects, even grow stuff. I love watching Judge judy after work. lol


Active Member
First of all stop smoking for a few days. Get your head clear and get rid of the overt paranoia.

Wait until she has gone out and break in, get your stuff out. You can't get done for breaking into your own property and it is your property until she legally has you evicted. Once your stuff is out, call the police yourself and turn the tables on her, have her done for breaking and entering. POW POW


Well-Known Member
firwt of all , usually eviction thirty days, also if she didnt give you a notice
she cqn be sued.for.unlawful eviction, invasion of privacy, breaking and entering
also.anything evid. wise.would.prolly be inadmi, to court because of the unlawful
ways.taken to find out. ake that bitch to.court, hopefully mine doesnt find out,lol
prolly wouldnt matter my.landlords smoke weed with me in my home lol:-o