HELP! Aeroponics DP Blueberry fem/ Dinafem Cheese


ok so this is my very first grow. with my luck i have unknowingly chosen one of the hardest strains to grow and one of the most difficult hydroponic systems, so ive heard.

now, ive germinated 2 dp blueberry fems and 1 dinafem cheese(freebie) in the paper towel method. they all popped. i then put the seeds root down into a bark composite starter plug and put them in a humidity dome until the first true leaves showed. now they are mere seedlings and i have them in my aeroponic microgarden by botanicare. i have the ppm at about 350ish and the ph is now at 5.7 i am unfortunately using a 90w UFO from HIDHut but i have a sunblaze 28 that im gonna throw in with it in the next couple days. the seedling seem to be growing alot slower than when they were in the humidity dome(is this normal?) in any case, i dont have as many specific questions as much as i have the need for general help/tips on my setup. humidity is at 55% and temp is at 68F. this is my first grow, ive invested alot, please help me succeed!!


Well-Known Member
The best advice i can give you when using Hydro is to monitor your Res PPM and pH.

By watching any increases/decreases in Res PPM you can see how the plant is feeding. If your PPM's increase then you need to top up with water and pH
if your PPM's decrease then you can top up with a higher PPM nute mix.

You are trying to keep PPM's constant (so to speak) anything over a 200ppm increase either way then you need to adjust.



ok thanks, ill be watching for that. any advice on watering schedule? right now im running 15min on 15min off and the starter plugs are sopping wet, their surrounded by hydroton btw. is this is a sign of over watering or is this ok?


Well-Known Member
its all about the roots, I use a wilma 4 pot dripper system with flood stakes instead of drippers , i handwatered my plants in rockwool 3x3's for 3weeks so that i had roots bursting out of the blocks, I am 18 days into flower and feed for 15mins on 45 mins off during lights on. When i first put them into the system i was feeding for 15mins every 3hours or so.

Check my journal i pretty much documented everything .



ok, i adjusted my timer to 15min on 45min off, hopefully this will help. the growth has drastically slowed since transferring to aeroponics system and im scared that im doing something wrong that i dont realize. time will tell. i appreciate your help and will report and changes or non-changes for that matter in the next day or so.


Active Member
im currently on week 6 with DP blueberry Fem alls i have to say is good luck! lol beautiful plant but deff not for any newb!


Are you using aeroponics? I know there nute sensitive so im under 400ppm, and there very small and young still im worried I may have put them ion my aero too soon. What do you suggest as far as nutes and ph? They grew like weeds in the humidity dome and now they're hardly doing anything. My ppl raised in 24 hours so I know there using more water than nutes, since the ppm didn't raise too high I didn't top the res with water. Question, is putting them in my aero too soon a major malfunction or is it gonna be ok?


seedlings arent eating any nutes whatsoever. ive been keeping the ppm and ph balanced every 24 hours by topping off with low ph water. im using AN micro and grow. should i add something to force them to eat or is this ok for week 1 veg? ppm stays just shy of 400