HELP!!! All leaves wilting and getting yellow/brown spots


Active Member
I need help asap the ladies have been sick for about 8-9 days

They were started in an aerogarden and PH was tested...came up 4.0...used ph up and is now at 6.0-6.5

i have also transplanted three of them to soil to see if maybe the extra nutrients in the soil may help

growth has stunted idk what to do at this point idk if i need nitrogen magnesium or potassium

=( any help greatly appreciated/needed


pH is a mother fucker..... 4.0 is super low.

preventive measures are your best friend, my friend ;)

if you cant provide us any pictures..... all i can say is flush them out with some fresh pH'd water. and only give em water for a while until you see some changes. hopefully good changes.

we need pics tho.


Active Member
I know someone out there knows this problem....Any one against the idea of going to buy technaflora nuts to try and revive them?


are u overwatering them?that soil in the pic looks sodden try not watering them for at least 3/4 days n then give them tiny amounts at a time from the bottom put the pots on the plate and then water on the plate.


Active Member
The plants in the soil were in the aero garden up until 2 days ago...the roots have not spread thru the soil yet...and it lookd wet because they were just watered but idk overwatering just causes the wilting...not yellow/ brown leaves??


Active Member
Thats what it looks like to me nutrient burn...but i have not added nutrients...only distilled water and tap water...and a little bit of ph up and ph down


Well-Known Member
looks like a mixture between over watering and nutrient burn..
I wouldn't be feeding them any nutrients yet and if I were to feed them nutrients it would be very lightly because they are very small and fragile still.


that would be the first thing i try anway dont water for a couple of days and then water from the bottom.
with them being transplanted from aerogarden to pots they are sure to be a little shocked try to encourage root growth and give them a little time to get used to there pots and soil.


looks like a mixture between over watering and nutrient burn..
I wouldn't be feeding them any nutrients yet and if I were to feed them nutrients it would be very lightly because they are very small and fragile still.
very true 'you wouldnt give ur baby a christmas dinner' you got let them use the nutrients in the soil then slowly build it up.
Yellow brown leaves like this is usually a nut def. and probably a ph unbalance. I know I keep pushing ph balance on you but if the ph is not on point it can cause various problems. Like what it seems you might be experiencing. Also they were right about over watering usually you just water when the soil is dry and with babies you just need some water next to the stem about once a day is good. And when you transplant there is naturally going to be a couple to a few days at the most for the plant to stop growing. Its just because it shocks the plant going from one environment to the other. Hope that makes sense and helps