Help and thoughts on these 2 baby's.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 new plants that sprouted 31.07.19 and would like to know if they look ok and any tips in how to care for them . Thanks 20190804_180842.jpg 20190804_180833.jpg 20190804_180842.jpg 20190804_180833.jpg 20190804_180800.jpg 20190804_180809.jpg
They just in a garden compost mate nothi g special bist I have some permite now and I have heard that autos should stay in 1 pot so was thinking of mixing and bigger pots. Also how often should I water? Any suggestions welcome . Sound
Perlite is a necessity, I usually do 30% perlite , but I’m still new to the indoor myself , are they bag seed or did you purchase ? Do you have nutes ready for a few weeks from now , don’t waterlog that soil or it will slow them right down , what are you using for light ventilation etc ,
I will defo use perlite now , I bought the seeds Ak47 2.00 and bubba gift. I have nutrients ready and I have 800w full spectrum led . I have had them outside in the days it's been sunny and also had a some over the top. I have never grown before so I have just been reading so anything you can help me with please do . Thanks
If you're going to do indoor growing I'd leave them inside, you increase the risk of a pest/mold infestation, imo.
I'd leave them in or out altogether.
What's your LED's wattage pull from the wall?
Know the distance the mfg says for the LEDs for optimal distancing.

Know your RH & temps. (I use a govee home meter to track & graph temp & RH to optimize grow room for VPD.

Get an oscilating tower fan
I usually start around third week , don’t start with full strength , what kind of nutes some brands tell you to use way too much just so you use it up and buy more , sometimes less is more in this game good luck buddy
looks healthy to me. i'd add perlite for sure first of all 2nd of all do NOT feed early and do NOT over water. i typically feed around week 3 as well when the plant is more vigorous to handle as my medium contains little to no nutrients to begin with ( i reuse my soil but try to compost/leech it before i reuse ). i treat them like how i treat my adult plants when it comes to watering which is i water when fairly dry but not bone dry in my case thats around 3 days and slowly goes down as the plants get bigger to 2 days. for others it varies due to temps and humidity so find what works for you.

feed at around 20% strength for starters then slowly go up. 20% is a decent starting point you can go less if you want. other then that you can always back fill the stem so i wouldn't worry too much about it being leggy that is typically caused by your lights being too far so the plant stretches. with time and practice you will get the hang of growing though just try not to baby too much these plants are pretty damn strong and can take a good beating. you say you are using compost idk what is in your compost or how strong it is but if it's compost i wouldn't feed too early as well. i make my own vermicompost and use it for my current grow but it helps keep my plants thriving and i don't fertilize very often maybe once every 2 weeks at full strength. when they tend to have about 3-5 nodes fully out and not just crowning that is when i like to feed mine by that time the plant has out grown it's solo cup and i transplant into a 3gal typically and then i feed then.