HELP!! Are my lights too close?


Active Member
this is my first grow... please tell me... are my plants suffering from my lights being too close? she's an Indica... and, today is her 41st day of veg (to include germination)... i began growing Sasha from a seed in a hydroponic medium... her water levels are monitored daily (PPM/ PH/ Temp/ Humidity)...

i've actively taken pics of Sasha's growth progress from "birth" - a seed in a rockwool cube to germinate and HOPEFULLY groooowww!...

lighting - i have a dual spectrum setup - 400 watts, i believe... which has been on continuously since Sasha was initially planted... i also have a LED Jumbo UFO that comes on in cycles (10 minutes per hour per twenty-four hours)...

as of yesterday, due to my fears, i moved the lights further away from Sasha... the dual spectrum lights are approximately 12 inches away from the top of Sasha's leaves and the Jumbo UFO is further away - approximately 24 inches away.

please help!

am i tripping? is Sasha okay? shall i keep the lights away until it's time to bloom (change the lights to 12/12)?

in advance... thank you, thank you, thank you... for your help!




Active Member
thanks, hotrod!

'ppreciate your help...

i'm gonna change the water today... currently, Sasha is approximately 13inches... when she hits 20inches, i'm gonna switch to flowering...

i'm so hoping she'll be nice and strong by then... meaning, not burnt and/or shriveled...

lessons are being learned, so i can't really complain too much, yes?!


take it easy, mi amigo... and, inhale DEEPLY!


Well-Known Member
Leaves curling up signs of heat stress. Move your light up and test on your hand. If your hand is getting hot from the bulb fixture then that is where your plants will get heat stress. Your plant profile looks great.


Well-Known Member
dunno how exatly your useing that light/LED ? if I get it right I think your stressing the poor plant .. dunno ?

but I know about distance of HPS lights ..

View attachment 2293108

it that is what your 400W is `?


Well-Known Member
Sasha?? lol

The small one is nute burnt, back off ppm for tiny seedlings and reduce flooding.


Active Member
like that name, huh? heehee... me, too!

that said... thanks for the advice... i promise Sasha and i appreciate it!




Active Member
thanks for checking out my post... please know that i appreciate your advice!

'specially since you aren't using it!! (yes, your quote tickled me... i know, i know... i'm so droll!)

take it easy, mi amigo!


Active Member
thanks for the compliment, calicat... Sasha is a suckah for 'em!

truth be told... me, too!


thanks for the advice... i definitely took it into consideration when i moved my lights up... i'm gonna continue documenting the growth of Sasha... feel free to check out our profile updates!

take it easy, my friend!