HELP ARE THEY GOING TO MAKE IT????? defeciencys or overnuted?


whats wrong with the babies? pictures included

Both plants are about a month old and just recently but fairly quickly started showing all these signs of defeciencys or overnuted but im not sure which onei believe undernuted because i was only feeding half strength then did a res change and added a little more than i had before and then all the problems started.

there good gentics tdream feminized
major drooping also and i have plenty of oxygen 6
its dwc and ph ive just recently started monitering and making it about 6 but it rises to a bout 7 the next day when checked then changed back to 6
ppm not exactly sure no meter but 1/2 strengh to full
400 watt mh
temp 72-84 typ 77
plenty of air circulation
I cant think on anything else but please someone tell me if there gonna make it and how to do it! haha


Well-Known Member
I'd think your ph has been too high for more than just a day or two? - sometimes you just need to adjust more than one times each day. Especially if you use tap water instead of rain water (if your tap water is hard). If hard you should get hold on some rain water - plants love it.
Looks like a ph damage to me. Half strengths food would not do that i think. Would just give plants a brighter overall green color.
Don't get lazy on ph - that's your most important thing to keep plants green and this will increase your harvest output greatly. The longer time ph is off the smaller your buds will end up.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You can not run a DWC system and have your PH bounceing between 6.0 and 7.0 PH. This just will not work. A DWC system pretty much has to be dead Nuts ON!. If you are having trouble with the PH, then allow it to Bounce between 5.0 and 6.0. That is a much better range. Also drop your Nuts down to 1/4 strength until you get the problem under control. One other thing. When you mix a fresh batch of nutrients, allow it to sit for 3-4 hours before you PH it, then add it to the rez. Some Nutrients Like CANNA can be PH'd to like 5.8 in a 5 gallon bucket, and left there for 4 hours and it will change on its own to 6.8. So Allow your nut mix to sit for 3-4 hours first then PH it. and then dump itr into the rez.

DWC system are for the very experienced growers. I have ran them before with success. But I find them to much of a pain in the ASS. You can not leave them for anymore then a day, or you might come back to fried plants. I like COCO. I can leave this stuff for 10 days and know when I get back everything will be fine.


Active Member
your PH level being off for so long has locked out nutes. you have to closely monitor your PH. the temperature of the water will change your PH level. if you are useing tapwater let it set for a couple of days before you use it it will dechlorinate that way. i keep my PH at 5.7 and my girls thrive. they will make it you just have to treat them as if they are your kid. constant attention to every part of there life.


Active Member
In my opinion DWC is the easiest way for someone to learn Hydroponics. Not difficult at all you just have to keep a check on your girls. I run a full aeroponics setup and that my friend is where shit gets to be a pain in the ass. But once you get all the quirks worked out theres no turnin back.


Well-Known Member
overfed...i can post some pics of to much nitrogen in my soil...and the bleached looking tips are identical...i hate to disagree with more experienced growers...but tis a fact, and im not saying a lockout isnt occuring...thats just what caused your problem.


Well-Known Member
ya...looks like it is causing a phosphorus lockout...same thing happened to me ma man...flush flush.


Well-Known Member
I agree that can be the problem. Unless you're sure that strength is between half and full? - is that freshly made? - if not and you just think it's half it could easily have become way too high. Get a meter - it's just so much easier and you can easily keep the plant happy. A trick like this costs you a lot of bud in the end product.


wow i read on here all the time didnt expect such quick answers thanks a lot! im keeping constant checks on ph now and nutes are about 3/4 but i have water sitting out to switch to phd 1/4 nutes tomorow so we will see how it goes and i also ordered a tds meter


hey I had a similar problem to this. Atleast the symptoms were looking close to yours. It was because my PH was way too high (around 7.5). Once I changed it to the recommended 5.8 area the plants recovered greatly