Help asap something is eating my stalks. Not sure what the hell this is

Could be rodents like mice, rats, chipmunks, moles, and other little critters. A toilet paper roll, split in half lengthwise (like a hot dog bun) and taped back together around the stem, should help protect it from further damage. It might be a good idea to put some sort of wax on that wound. Plant is not looking ideal though, goodluck.
This is something someone suggested resonantly.

Get a yellow sticky and cut it in half. Cut a notch in the edge on both pieces and slip it around the stalk. It looked like he had straws to hold the bottom from the soil. That should keep thing from getting to the plant.
Get some Irish Spring deodorant soap...cut it up into chunks....put a chunk or two into an old sock or wrap it up in a rag or something and then hang it near your plants. IF it is an animal like a rodent, they won't go near it. They hate the smell.