help bottoms of plants yellow


Active Member
what can i do to fix the bottoms of my plants. They are yellow on the bottoms what should I try?

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Well-Known Member
Yup seems to be nitrogen most of the time, I'd also search for threads from people having the same problem if you need more help because there's LOTS.


Well-Known Member
it is very possible that it could be a nitrogen diff. nitrogen is a mobile nutient, so if you are having a lot of new growth & havnt meet the plants nute needs then it will take the N from the older bottom leaves turning them yellow. every plant i have every done has had at least a couple leaves die.


Active Member
I dont think it is nitrogen because the plants are in miracle grow soil with a fertilizer rating of 15-5-10 which I thought was plenty? Is there anything else it could be or is it definately nitrogen?


Well-Known Member
I dont think it is nitrogen because the plants are in miracle grow soil with a fertilizer rating of 15-5-10 which I thought was plenty? Is there anything else it could be or is it definately nitrogen?

it's nitrogen.