Help! Burnt plants with pyrethrum with 3 weeks flower to go

This is great post (albeit me reviewing it some years later!) and thanks for posting. I recently sprayed Pyrethrum on my growing plants and three days later, three prior healthy, green plants with mini-caterpillars eating the leaves are now caterpillar free...but the leaves are curling up & slowly turning brown and the my plants look to be carking it. I cannot find anything online that discusses this but think that I used too much spray to begin and sprayed to often, not knowing Pyrethurm is applied between 7-10 days. Lesson learned.
This is great post (albeit me reviewing it some years later!) and thanks for posting. I recently sprayed Pyrethrum on my growing plants and three days later, three prior healthy, green plants with mini-caterpillars eating the leaves are now caterpillar free...but the leaves are curling up & slowly turning brown and the my plants look to be carking it. I cannot find anything online that discusses this but think that I used too much spray to begin and sprayed to often, not knowing Pyrethurm is applied between 7-10 days. Lesson learned.
like Many traditional pesticides they also have resistance issues when overused and should be in rotation and used with biological controls if u can , also like many that product can only be used a certain amount of times per cycle.